PDP-BJP Government A taboo broken ?

B L Saraf
Pouring   rain  and a, conspicuously, muted  response of the   people greeted swearing in ceremony of the PDP/BJP Government. In  Kashmir, may be true of Jammu also,  rain on the  joyous occasion is  considered an auspicious sign. But silence marks abadomen.
Therefore, the scenario looked as contradictory  as the composition of this Government. We are witnessing a  spectacle;    perceived  soft separatism and the hard nationalism cohabitating together. How well said  “Politics makes strange bed fellows.”
In PDP – BJP Government   formation  we see geographical  lines   getting  compressed   and, borrowing a line from the main actor, “North pole embracing   South pole.” What looked quite unthinkable  in  not so distant past has materialised in reality. True, the outcome of the  Assembly election had  created a situation in   J&K  where no single  political party could form  a   Government on its own.
Given the geopolitical scenario with cross territorial ramifications, J&K couldn’t afford to remain without a popular Government, for a long. Therefore, a multi party    Government in the state was inevitable.   However,  nature of the  state politics, particularly of the Valley, is such as to rule  out   certain  ‘possible’   party formulations. For  instance,  Kashmir centric  parties  like PDP and N.C would not go together: BJP will not align with INC: communists  and some  independent   MLAs of  certain “ideological predilection” would not prefer one group or the other. Therefore, on the Doctrine of  Elimination and theory of  inevitability the PDP / BJP   coalition Government, in the state,  had  become a  fait acompli. More so,  because the PDP carried bulk of  Kashmiris with it and the BJP had an overwhelming response from the people of  Jammu region.  In  J&K,  it is  in the fitness of things that  a Government  is all inclusive.
It is good to break the stereotype. If  we look at   this exercise  from  a wider angle, then, surely,   it does  fit into  a  pattern followed world over,  where  the  out dated ideologies have fallen apart,  vociferously stated positions have gone for a toss:  the   ground realities  and  pragmatism  have come  to dictate the socio – political course.  On the positive side , the exercise  may create a sentiment  that it is possible  for    two  political parties   of  diffirent  base areas  and  of extreme divergent  views, on all material issues   confronting the state, to come together in an alliance  and work   for   the   governance  and  develop a convergence of sorts,  that may  reduce psychological,  political and  regional divide .  Hopefully , the sentiment  may then   rub  off on  the other  political forces   with, rather,  very  extreme positions in both the regions and   encourage  them  to come  nearer on the emotional issues, as well.  PDP and BJP  may have fairly well spread mandate in Kashmir and Jammu provinces, respectively: but,  unfortunately,  each party’s   mandate  has   a  sectarian and regional flavour.   Therefore, in letter at least ,   their   Government   would assume a   much needed and highly desired representative and inclusive character.
Nonetheless, there is other   angle to the matter. The chief   interlocutors of the parties   appear   to be  conscious of it. That is why they emphasise governance  aspect  more than the political angle of the alliance, forgetting, however,  that  there  is always a profound political content to every Government  formation , more so  in  J&K.  The   political   angle  will,  off and on, haunt  their association.
PDP  and BJP have vigorously espoused  certain issues   as core   agenda  and nursed  particular constituencies, almost in exclusion to each other. The issues are mutually contraindicative and  the constituencies have  peculiar aspirations and demands.   Their  positions  on Art 370,  AFSPA and  settlement of W. Pak  Refugees  are well known   Position  on  Art 370  may  bear deferment, as we have seen it  in earlier NDA rule when PM  AB Vajpayee emphasised on   ‘Insaniyat” than  Art 370  while dealing   with the  Hurriyat. But the issue of W. Pak  Refugees and AFSPA will  prove  a mill stone around their   neck.  For PDP,   it would be hard to sell any compromise  on these issues to the electorate in Kashmir. Its very existence in the Valley,  in  presence of National Conference,   is   dependent on  a stance, on these issues , which is diametrically  opposed to that of the BJP.
Kashmir is a  veritable mine   field . One wrong   step will ignite the  field  with disastrous consequences for the whole state.
Good  governance,  emphasising  the  development  of the whole state, with   special  attention to the flood affected people will  soften the situation . But then the core  “issues” need to be  addresse, rather simultaneously. For  PM   Modi , Vajpayee has laid down the path   which should lead him  to the “alienated” youth of the state  and the  separatist leadership.  CM  Mufti could  facilitate the process.
Today’s   silence  carries    a ‘meaningful’ eloquence. PM  Narendra Modi and CM Mufti  Mohammad   Sayeed  must care  to  listen  what is not  said. They   will have to  employ their  skills to manage the   contradictions  and emerging  situation. After all, politics is  an  art  of   managing   the contradictions. Job  is,  indeed,  cut   out for  them .  Will   this  dispensation  mean  breaking   the  taboo   or  prove  a marriage of convenience only time will tell .
(The author is former Principal District & Sessions Judge)