PDP, BJP had prefixed game-plan of polarising votes: Omar

JAMMU: Former chief minister Omar Abdullah today accused BJP and PDP of engineering communal polarisation of votes and spreading fear in the minds of people during recently-held assembly polls.
“In Kashmir Valley and Muslim-dominated areas of Jammu region, especially the Chenab Valley, PDP created fear psychosis about BJP and RSS trampling and mutilating their distinct identity to garner votes but later joined them as per a prefixed game-plan,” Abdullah said at the merger of the state unit of Samajwadi Party with National Conference.
Omar said Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed pretended to be engaged in anti-saffron campaigning but did not tell his voters that PDP was going to forge an alliance with BJP.
“In fact, he projected both BJP and RSS as the number one enemy of Muslims and subtly coerced them to vote for his party. After bagging 28 seats, he virtually threw his party into the BJP’s lap by dramatising and delaying Government formation.”
Omar attacked BJP, saying it bartered everything for the loaves of power.
“At the end of the day, what BJP has gained out of an alliance with PDP and with what face they will be returning back to their constituencies after making tall promises and generating euphoria?” he asked.
He said PDP and BJP has polarised the situation in Jammu and Kashmir and caused enormous damage to its secular fabric. (AGENCIES)