PDP MLAs, State Minister exchange barbs in Assembly

SRINAGAR: In a major embarrassment to the ruling PDP dispensation in the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly, two of the party MLAs and CAPD minister Zulfikar Ali today engaged in war of words over the implementation of National Food Security Act (NFSA) in the State.

As the Minister for Consumer Affairs & Public Distribution (CAPD) was replying to a question on implementation of NFSA during the question hour, PDP MLAs Mohammad Ashraf Mir and Yawar Dilawar Mir rose in support of opposition claims that a large population of the State is being denied ration from Government run depots due to the implementation of the Act.

“I don’t want to get into a controversy but how have they (CAPD) deleted the names of people from ration cards,” Ashraf, a former minister and the MLA from Sonawar constituency, said.

On this, Yawar, who represents Rafiabad constituency, rose to make a point but was asked by the minister to take his seat.

“Then why was Ashraf allowed to speak,” he asked.

Ali responded by saying that Ashraf had recently been removed from the counsil of ministers.

Ashraf hit back at Ali, saying, “ye ministry aap ke ghar ki hai kya? (have you inherited this ministry).

There was further embarrassment for the treasury benches as Yawar alleged that there was gross malpractices in the implementation of the NFSA in his constituency.

“Aap ne Ashraf sahib ki baat ke. Aghar aese hi kaam karte rahai, sab ki ministry challi jayai gee (you spoke about Ashraf. If you continue to work like this every one will loose the ministry),” he said.

Ali tried to pacify his party’s irate MLAs saying the verification of the beneficiaries was not done by CAPD department but by the Revenue Department. (AGENCIES)