PDP responsible for situation, unable to defend Art 35-A: Mir

PCC chief G A Mir addressing party workers in Srinagar on Friday.
PCC chief G A Mir addressing party workers in Srinagar on Friday.

Excelsior Correspondent
SRINAGAR, Aug 18: Lash-ing out at ruling dispensation for failing to address the genuine concern of the people in all the three regions, Pradesh Congress Committee(JKPCC) president G A Mir today blamed PDP for the current crisis and deteriorating situation in the State especially in the Valley.
Mir also attacked Central Govt for doing just lip service to the people of J&K in  every respect, while as,  it (Centre) has no roadmap to deal with the J&K situation.
During his day long tour to Srinagar, Ganderbal and Budgam today,  the PCC chief  while interacting with Party workers asserted that Congress Party is capable of defeat the designs of BJP- RSS or any other force hell bent upon to change the demography of the State by indulging in malicious campaign against the special status aiming to get the Art 35 declared as null and wide. He said Congress has always taken care of the special status and it will continue to safeguard it.
Referring to the decision of  the Govt of sending four Cabinet Ministers to Delhi to seek legal advice on Art 35-A,  Mir said whatever Chief Minister is doing or saying on this issue is a mere eye- wash to hoodwink the people, actually CM has lost control over her alliance partner and is not in a position to decide anything, as a result, the situation in the Valley is more complex.
He also questioned Chief Minister about her meeting with Prime Minister on Art 35-A and sought clarity over what she  has achieved during that meeting. It is evident that after meeting the PM, the Chief Minister herself issued statement saying that PM has agreed to her view point, but  the matter of fact is that, she has not been able to convince the Prime Minister. He said  CM should explain to people what measures she has in mind to safeguard Art 35-A, as people have every right to know  about the fate of the special status, which is in great danger under ruling dispensation.
Mir said, PDP cannot escape the responsibility of the damages and uncertainty prevailing in the State, rather it is the PDP which is fully responsible for the current fiasco in the State.
MLA  Haji Abdul Rashid, MLA Usman Majeed, Mohd Anwar Bhat,  Farooq Andrabi,   G M Ganie and  Abdul Gani Khan also spoke on the occasion.