PDP trying to procure best deal for all regions: Akhtar

Fayaz Bukhari
SRINAGAR, Dec 27: People’s Democratic Party (PDP) today said that they are trying to procure best deal for all regions of the State where the party will also carry forward its political and developmental agenda.
The PDP spokesman, Nayeem Akhtar told EXCELSIOR, that stalemate in the Government formation continues in the State and there is no significant movement forward.
Akhtar said that the party has informal contact with various parties and all opinions for the Government formation are open.  “All options are still open, no decision has been taken yet on formation of Government in the State with any other party,” he said.
The PDP spokesman said that his party is in no hurry to form the Government. “We want a Government where we should be able to deliver on our political and developmental agenda”, he added.
Akhtar said that his party is not negotiating for the other parties just for the sake of Government formation. “There is nothing to be enjoyed in the Government. It is no bed of roses. The State is almost bankrupt, there is lack of development, unemployment, there is no synergy between the regions”, he added.
The PDP spokesman said that as the single largest party in the assembly elections PDP is discussing all its options for the Government formation including an alliance with the BJP. “There are certain issues which form our core agenda and require an assurance that these will be accepted by our potential alliance partner, whichever party it might be,” he said.
The PDP leader said his party’s stand on safeguarding Article 370 is non-negotiable and party is committed on revocation of Armed Forces Special Powers Act from the State, besides initiating a political process for resolution of Kashmir issue.
When asked about Governor NN Vohra’s invitation for discussion on the Government formation, Akhtar said: “We will certainly meet Governor when we have the numbers.”
Asked if his party would consider the demand for rotational Chief Ministership from any future alliance partner, the PDP spokesman said the negotiations have not reached that stage with any party.
The PDP spokesman said that Congress has also given a proposal for Government formation to the PDP which is under the consideration by the party.
On the National Conference’s offer of unconditional support to PDP for Government formation, Akhter said his party has received no such communication so far from NC. “It is only through media. As and when such an offer is received we will surely discuss it and decide the future course of action,” he said.
In the meantime, the CPIM MLA  MY Tarigami today warned that any political party that supports the BJP to form the next Government in the State will have “disastrous” consequences for whole country besides the State.
“Any regional party that joins with BJP to form the Government would be a historic blunder of a bigger magnitude. BJP is actually RSS, and aligning with such a party will have serious implication on the State. Such a Government will be fatal for the whole country,” Tarigami told reporters here.
He said that the mandate given by the electorate is “highly polarized”, complicated and fragmented. “I warn those people who want to form government with RSS that it will lead to bifurcation of the State and isolation of Kashmir. Come out of these partisan interests as power comes and goes. It is a time to save the plurality and the secular ethos of this State,” Tarigami said, while referring to PDP.
Tarigami said he along with his two other colleagues MLA Khan Sahib Hakim Yasin and MLA Langate Engineer Rashid are ready to support any coalition which excludes the rightwing BJP.
Appealing all “secular” leaders of the State especially the major party’s NC, PDP and Congress, Tarigami said as a citizen of this State he would like to extend a message to the leaders of these parties especially PDP, that they must understand the sensitivity of this State.