PDP will disintegrate like BJP before 2014 elections: Rana

Excelsior Correspondent
BANI, Dec 12: PDP and BJP are two divisive political forces in the State with different colours but same agenda, said Devender Singh Rana, Political Advisor to the Chief Minister while addressing party workers meeting at Bani here today.
“The designs of the PDP and BJP are very similar though they like to camouflage them in the garb of different political colours”, he said adding that people of Jammu and Kashmir have repeatedly given their verdict rejecting these divisive forces whether it was in 2008 Assembly elections or 2009 Parliamentary elections or the recently held Legislative Council elections.
Rana predicted that 2014 will mark a historic victory of the secular forces and cast a burial note for the communal divisive political forces. He said BJP has already disintegrated under the weight of its own internal disenssion,  PDP is cracking under the crisis of faith in the leadership and will disintegrate much before 2014 elections.
He said people of Jammu and Kashmir have seen through the divisive  designs of the two parties (PDP and BJP) and realized that the two are power hungry and indulge in rhetoric and play to the gallery for their own political gains without any consideration for the welfare of the people of the State who they intend to use as mere pawns in their communal designs but the forces like National Conference and Congress will unitedly fight these forces and defeat them in their designs and strive for the welfare and wellbeing of the people.
Political Advisor said Omar Abdullah led Coalition Government in order to make J&K a power surplus State has initiated various power projects which include 93 Mega Watts Ganderbal, 450 MW Baglihar Stage-II, 37.5 Mega Watts Parnai, 1856 MW Sawalakote, 240 MW Karthai, 250 MW Lower Parnai and 990 MW Karthai-II, 600 MW Kiru, 520 MW Kawar and 1000 MW Pakal Dul and 850 MW Rattle project which are under various stages of their execution.
“The PDP leadership are today crying hoarse but during their three year tenure they did not initiate even a single power project which could have helped today to improve the power scenario in the State”, Rana said adding that the Rs. 3900 crore grant which was received by the PDP as power reform grant from 2002 2005 was swindled away for cheap political gimmicks rather than initiating power reforms to strengthen transmission and distribution system in the State.
Rana said in the last four years the State Government under the visionary leadership of Omar Abdullah has taken landmark initiatives to bring in transparency and accountability in governance. The revival of the State Accountability Commission, the enactment of RTI Act and setting up of RTI Commission, the enactment of the Public Service Guarantees Act, the setting up of the State Vigilance Commission are such initiatives in this regard.
Addressing the party workers Gh. Haider Malik, former Deputy Speaker and ex-MLA Bani highlighted various public importance issues of the area and hoped that the issues raised by him will be considered. He also thanked the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah for paying special attention to developmental issues of area.
Addressing the workers, Aijaz Jan, MLA Poonch the State under the leadership of Omar Abdullah has seen an era of peace and development in the last four years which has no parallel in the last twenty years especially in the far flung and remote areas of the State.
Addressing the party workers Sajjad Shaheen highlighted the achievement of the Coalition Government led by Omar Abdullah and called upon the party workers to work unitedly and strengthen the hands of the party and its leadership and take programme and policies of the party and the Government to every door step.