Peace in Kashmir on the horizon

Ashok Bhan
Pakistan”s use of terrorist groups as part of its security and foreign policy is function of its obsession with India,which it perceives as existential threat.Pakistan”s paranoia regarding India is unfounded.
Pakistan’s brazen belligerence continues qua India,despite extension of olive branch from time to time by India for good and friendly neighbourly relations. Its Kashmir rants echoed in UN Human Rights Council at Geneva.It has raked up the issue at UN General assembly in New York. as and when India has fiercely replied by describing Pakistan as a terroristan and ritualistically said JK State is an integral part.India has time & again made it clear that She is not willing to renegotiate Kashmir”s territorial status.The bilateral issues can be addressed through talks and negotiations.Pakistan is a sponsor of terrorism in India and Afganistan and posing threat to the stability of South Asia is a stark truth that world has acknowledged by now.
US President Donald Trump has voiced in his maiden speech at UN General assembly this week his strong  policy against terrorism.Pakistan has to take it seriously if she wishes to  get financial aid from US to boost its sagging economy.President Trump has said it is  time to expose and hold responsible those Countries who breed,support and finance terror groups.Trump administration has recently charted South Asia policy in which it has put Pakistan on notice.In the new policy President Trump has sought a larger role for India in Afghanistan and in South Asia.
Pakistan’s temper tantrums and petulance responses will not convince the US and other nations.Pakistan has to take a hard look at options.It has to shutdown Hijbul Mujahideen, Lashkar, Jaish, Haqqani net work and all other groups.The Afghan Government suspect,the newly surging IS in Khorasan is getting support from Pakistan and are allowed free operations from its soil,raise funds,march in raucous rallies and openly support terror export to other Countries with the help of handlers in Pakistan establishment.
International community is not oblivious on Kashmir situation. US policy makers always express concern over the situation in South Asia spiraling into a dangerous conflict hinting at Kashmir imbroglio.The other hostile countries and the international Human Rights groups are curiously studying the Kashmir affairs awaiting the opportunity to meddle..The cycle of protests and retributive security measures have stained our democracy politically and optically in the eyes of international opinion.Not that it matters in the national and security interests but diplomatically yes.The retributive pursuits against the militancy has shown great success inwardly and now is the high time for peace process to get associated and kick started.
Kashmiris have always rejected Pakistan and her evil Kashmir annexation agenda.
Former PM Manmohan Singh led Congress Party delegation met with many delegations of Kashmiris and Jammuites.It assured people of their Party’s support to all the efforts of peace process.The Congress Party reiterated its commitment for upholding Articles 370 and 35A as applicable to Jammu & Kashmir State.At the same time voiced that PDP-BJP combine in the State has lost the Kashmir plot.Congress Party blamed that the  State Government has failed people by malgovernance and by pursuing the divisive agenda.
Visionary leadership in the past with great efforts integrated the diverse divisions of Jammu, Ladakh and Kasmir Valley as the mosaic of different ethnic, religious and tribal groups And united these together in a culture of mutual tolerance and creative interaction as a plural and democratic Jammu & Kashmir State. Unfortunately it has got engulfed in the worst phase of militancy, intolerance and distortion by the self-serving myths of competing political interests.
The current dispensation has allowed delegitimisation of the very Idea of India in Kashmir and decimation of the plural socio-political ethos of the State And above all the demographic profile of the State has been mutilated.
The Prime Minister and his team have taken a call for course correction.That is how HM had four days busy visit in the State recently.Home Minister Rajnath Singh”s visit to J & K State has reinforced PM Modi’s15 August message to reach out to embrace Kashmiris with love.The visits of Rajnath Singh and Manmohan Singh has set at rest the fears about the tinkering with Article 370 and Article 35-A of the Constitution of India. A fierce controversy had arisen in both JAMMU region and in the Valley about the pending challenge to legality of Article 35A as applicable to J & K State in the Supreme Court.Ambiguity about the stand of Union of India on the issue in Supreme Court,in the absence of a formal response to the challenge became matter of crisis of credibility against BJP-PDP Government.Home Minister Rajnath Singh met scores of delegations both in Kashmir and Jammu and also intensely assessed the security scenario with the top brass of Govt.,the Army and police leadership and visited turbulent Anantnagh.
Political class  reportedly is responded cynically Like-That Delhi is not sincere it will go on like this. Security forces feel encouraged to say,by killings lots of hard core militants and some surrenders-they are on the run.The Seperatist leadership has lost the face due to NIA investigations and arrests.
CM said she welcomes the presser of HM and demanded the implementation of Agenda of Alliance.Governor Vohra as usual reacts by his silence that is how he is there, as interlocutor for 4 years without any report in public domain and Governor for 9 years after being a director of prestigious institution IIC of which he recently became President by replacing its two time President and Country”s top legal eagle Soli Sorabjee.
Be that as it may-The reality is “Kashmir is in political turmoil and militancy and cycle of violence is on and on for last nearly three decades. The radicalisation is taking over the Socio-Political discourse and gaining greater appeal and the pro Pakistan narrative which was noticeably very weak, has also become strong. The recruitment of local boys in the ranks of militancy is phenominally on the rise.The new age youth and students are up in protest against the very Idea of India and democratic process in the Valley.The young innocent lives and armed forces personnel are lost on a daily basis.The political space of main stream polity has shrunk. Democracy is in peril and the attempt to delegitimise the idea of India in Kashmir is gaining ground.
Faced with the continuing death and destruction unleashed by mercenaries and the non-State actors since 1989, the Kashmir society,  has majorly two components,the Muslims and Kashmiri Pandits.Both the Muslims and the Kashmiri Pandits in exile and disintegrated ,are suffering and at the receiving end.Almost a generation of Kashmiris is in the grave yards. Yet the vast majority of native Kashmiri population at the societal levels has the sense and understanding that;
“Radicalisation, and Separatism is not and can not be the option. “Resolution of all the issues lies through and only through negotiated peaceful dialogue process”-Be that intra-community, intra-regional and between Srinagar-Delhi.
PDP-BJP State Govt. will be losing its plot in Kashmir,if the hard Military pursuit is not blend with regular dialogue with the stakeholders including the youth. Military brass,the security forces,the political class,the civil society and peace loving citizenry are voiceing such opinions for quite some time.
Country’s strategic and constitutional interest lies in the welfare of people of Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh and not in land alone.Therefore PM and his team have taken call to set the ball rolling for initiating talks for the lasting solution of Kashmir affairs.
*The revival of militant activity in the state and elsewhere is a serious issue and a reminder that the militant outfits are spread, present and active to strike any time and anywhere. The youth in anger joining the militant ranks is hugely disturbing phenomenon, public support to militancy had considerably reduced but it has surfaced with renewed vigour. The phenomenon of terror, panic and disinformation is back in the valley. Security scenario, inwardly is not very assuring. The security forces and JK police are doing their best,still the militancy is on the big rise.Huge participation in the funerals of the slain militants is worrying,It reflects the people”s subtle if not the express support to the revival of militancy.There is no centrally organised command of local terror groups they operate like criminal gangs and Pakistan is able to coordinate these gangs.They seem to gloat about their achievements on social media rather than displaying any radical commitment.
Rajnath Singh the HM,has reinforced PM MODI”S message of embracing Kashmiris with love, by his visit and meetings with people.There appears to be larger political support of all parties for the peace initiatives in turbulent Valley. Therefore HM’s open invite to all the stakeholders including those who have not been so far part of mainstream polity their own political reasons,is a big opportunity for the Kashmiris to earnestly pick up peace agenda.
Now another opportunity has been thrown open to the Stake holders and the leadership that claims to represent the turbulent sentiment and people’s aspirations to muster courage and demonstrate political acumen and rise to the occasion and respond to current PM and HM’s call and invite in the best interests of the suffering people.
Ram Madav Incharge of the BJP Party has also publicly endorsed what Rajnath Singh had offered.It would be prudent if a formal invite is send to the stakeholders after due delegence by the MHA.
(The author is Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India,A political analyst & Chairman, (Kashmir Policy & Strategy Group).