Peace overture

‘Pakistan’s duty towards generation to come” DE May 10,2019. The article underscores that very articulated and refined terminology has been used by the author to define Pakistan’s reality in front of global mirror.
No doubt Pakistan is actively involved in sponsoring terrorism in India and it is an integral part of its state policy. Pakistan believes in nefarious design and has a policy of bleeding India through thousands cuts.
But in present era under the reign of Mr Imran Khan who is a sportsman by spirit ,we are looking a somewhat changed scenario in his foreign policy and behaviour. A sportsman always has a sincere and cooperative spirit towards its competitors. And hopefully we are eagerly waiting for this since time immemorial .
He (Imran Khan) narrated that ,peace will be possible only if Modi returns in power, is a goodwill gesture from political point of view.It means he is also an admirer of peace and will be in search of favourable atmosphere to start the dialogue of peace and reconciliation.
Like India’s policy of zero tolerance against terrorism, he too must take some stringent,solid and transparent step against such elements in his own soil.
Only then there will be an atmosphere of peace and goodwill gesture in this subcontinent. No doubt, it is a golden opportunity for him to prove his worth by initiating action against Masood Azhar and then expanding the new vision of his policy.
Shyam Sunder