Peace process has received set-back: PDP

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 15: Expressing deep concern and anxiety over the set-back received by the peace process in Jammu and Kashmir as a result of the insensitive handling of Afzal Guru affair, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) today reiterated that the Government had sent out extremely negative signals to the people of the State.
The situation arising out of the hanging of Afzal Guru and the manner of his execution was discussed today at the meeting of the party’s Political Affair Committee which was presided over by patron of the party Mufti Mohammad Sayeed. The meeting was attended by party president Mehbooba Mufti, senior leaders Moulvi Iftikar Hussain Ansari, Tariq Hamid Qarra, Sardar Rangil Singh, Trilok Singh Bajwa, Ved Mahajan, Altaf Bukhari and Naeem Akthar.
The meeting seconded the call of party patron Mufti Mohammad Sayeed for the return of the Afzal Guru’s body to the family, which it said, was the minimum which could be done to assuage the hurt feeling of the family as well as the people to some extent. It was also noted that the denial of opportunity for the family to have a last meeting with the Afzal negated the rights provided to every citizen and violated the basic norms of decency.
Calling for immediate release of large number of people that have been arrested in the wake of the execution, the Committee said that the Government had trampled upon the Fundamental Right of the large part of the population by putting them in custody while imprisoning others in their own homes. It described the strict curfew, banning of movement, internet, cable network and newspapers as an expression of mistrust in the people of J&K.
This approach, the meeting felt, was one of the main reasons for continued and deepening alienation among the people. Meeting further said even though there was no resort to violence by the people still Government forces resorted to use of weapons resulting into three unfortunate deaths and injuries to more than 100 mourners.
Party president gave a resume of recent political and organisational development to the members of the Committee. The meeting discussed ways and means to channelize the aspirations of the people and mounting problems faced by them as a result of the arrogant and insensitive approach being adopted by the State Government to deal with them.