Peace result of PDP efforts: Mufti

We removed discrimination: Baig
Excelsior Correspondent

HIRANAGAR (Kathua), May 27: Reiterating resolve of his party to aggressively pursue the pro-peace agenda, patron of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Mufti Mohammad Sayeed today said that prevailing peace on the borders, from Kathua to Kargil, was result of the reconciliation process started by the PDP during its tenure.
Addressing an impressive public meeting here, the Mufti said that PDP had pioneered a peace and reconciliation process which was endorsed by the successive regimes at New Delhi and Islamabad.
“PDP has shown in the past that it can facilitate the resolution process with prudence, and it is ready to shoulder the responsibility of taking the process to its logical conclusion,” he asserted and reminded the people that it was all due to the efforts of PDP that residents of border areas were living peaceful life. “In 2002 we had only 16 members but still we had pursued the peace process and established peace in this region. It was all due to the efforts of the PDP that peace was restored in the sub-continent”, he said.
“It was all due to the credibility of the PDP that previous NDA regime headed by Atal Behari Vajpayee and present UPA government led by Dr Manmohan Singh whole heartedly supported initiatives taken by us for restoring peace in this region”, Mr Sayeed said while recalling the historic rally of then Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee at Kashmir on April18, 2003 when he had extended hands of friendship towards Pakistan at the time when tension was running high on borders.
Highlighting achievements of PDP led regime, he said PDP led coalition regime had carved out a path of peace and equitable development in Jammu and Kashmir. He said that coalition regime had revived peoples’ faith in the democratic institutions. “Removing regional imbalance and creating atmosphere for initiating peace process was the remarkable achievement of PDP led coalition”, he observed.
Restoring peace and accelerating equitable development is the one and only agenda of PDP, the Mufti said and asserted that during the PDP led coalition regional, imbalances were removed and equal treatment was given to all regions and sub-regions.
Speaking on the occasion, former Deputy Chief Minister Muzaffar Hussain Baig said that before 2002, there were complaints of step motherly treatment and discrimination with Jammu and Ladakh regions.
“Our Government had initiated many steps to remove these discriminations. In every sphere of life equal treatment is given to all regions of State”, he said and pointed out that Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh were treated equally as far as opening of Universities, Colleges, schools and developmental projects are concerned.
“It is our achievement that we successfully removed these discriminations”, he asserted. Calling upon the people to compare performance of PDP led regime with the decades long mis-governance of successive National Conference led regimes, he said that previous regime had provided good governance to the people.
“As far as the performance of present alliance is concerned, it appears only on papers and nothing concrete was visible on ground”, Mr Baig said, adding, “for the last more than three years functioning of this dispensation is appearing only on papers and at grassroots level not even a single promise has been so far implemented”.