Pearls of Wisdom

Heenam Bhagat

As oil in lamp keeps the flames burning, similarly the embodiment of pearls of wisdom through which our soul is purged always keeps fire in our belly. Strong convictions and beliefs always ignite the elements through which our soul is constituted. The credence in the guardian angel that dwells inside each one of us makes us the paragon of virtue. Rain pours, seasons and men come and go but an angel who inspires never goes. It is the guardian angel who helps us to discern the signs of universe. One should never be dispirited. We must resurrect our soul through the torch of divine light. Remember that nothing is true that is wrong inside you. Always believe in the good that is inside you. Our cynical instincts will make us a prophet of doom and will lead to strangulation of our soul. So we should not let gloomy and pessimistic intuitions grow inside us.
The sanguine side of our inner self should be cultivated. Rite of passage is a stage of life which is marked by edification of mind and character and illumination of soul. Life is not all moonlight and roses. Sometimes life is stuttering and abstruse. Heuristic approach can help us to understand the turbulence of life. Life becomes invigorating when it is adorned with both realistic and surrealistic adventures. Our soul is endowed with sacred powers. This divine energy has enshrined our body and mind safely.   Ablution of soul reflects the essence of inner man that exists inside us. This can be achieved through self enlightenment and when we exude great willingness to perform meditative introspection. The cosmic principle is about understanding the symbiotic relationship between the climax and anticlimax events of life. Transcendental experiences help us to balance the up and down in our lives. Bad experiences teach us a lot. They are all part of life’s rich tapestry. Every good or bad episode in life is a challenge which one needs to come across to reach their destination. Sometimes we are beleaguered by the predicament of life. At that time learn to grapple with sentiments of your mind and soul. A ruminative road is the best way to triumph over the battles of your life. In this spiritual voyage of self discovery never abhor yourself if defeats occur.   Life is special and worthwhile when we paint rosy picture of each and every second that is graced upon us. Whenever a new day begins it brings with it something anew. Seize the day and seek out the recherché aspects that life bestows upon us. Love is the greatest force that can transform anyone or anything on the face of earth. Sometimes when we are wandering like a lost soul and suddenly the feeling of love starts to burgeon in our heart it is just like manna from heaven. Knowing about love is just an epoch-making event in one’s life.  . This universe is a saga of love and war. It is an enchanting trove of enigmatic secrets. One who brings into light these hidden treasures becomes a sagacious person. We all take centre stage in this universe. Ablaze your life in the afterglow of every new day that dawns upon you welcoming buoyant wishes. Soothe your soul by listening to the voice of your heart. Learn to admire alluring beauties of nature every day.  We are someone to walk on this earth, to make it blissful and heavenly so that wherever we go with memories of love we get surrounded by ravishing and splendid isolation. Ignite the flames of wisdom in your heart. May these flames of salvation douse with them slough of despondency into ashes which has asunder the true being from within.  Let’s each one of us open the windows and doors of our hearts so that the evocative sensations of life enter inside us. We should evince that these tempestuous realizations imbued with ineffable ecstasy will take us to untrodden and finally unexplored path which will finally become the destiny of our lives.
Here I beseech to the almighty to listen to my prayer:
Under the firmament, I kneel down and bow my head in supplication like a pagan
Communing with thee, the master of the cosmos to forgive me for all my trespasses
Lo and behold the bewitching countenance of this walloping universe
May the beget of this world answer my benediction when I am bereft of love and hope in my life
May the Isles of the Blessed shower their grace upon me to make me gallant in the face of life and death
May my soul be as deep and vast as the soul of the oceans of the world
Oh my lord, may I meet thee into the wide blue yonder
May the blitheness and euphoria that was lost in the mists of time be born and bred again
May the moment of epiphany in my life arrive with the advent of realizing my conscience
May I always be ensconced in the bosom of my mother earth
May the fountain of wisdom instil vigour in me
May the elements of my heart and soul be always bound together forming a group like a galaxy of stars
May I be the epitome of elemental wisdom from the cradle to the grave
May the sun-kissed earth and the azure sky make me an aesthetic person
May the twinkling stars and moonlight salvage my soul in the darkness of night
May I always foster the tenderness of love and warmth in my heart and soul
May an effusion of affection and devotion evoke in me the memories of marvellous times
May the divine power manifest itself on the face of this earth to make me a true human being.