Pendency of Court cases

Apropos editorial ” Pendency of Court cases” (DE 18th Oct.) It is really refreshing to learn that the Hon’ble Chief Justice J&K High court is seized of gravity of the matter. It is hoped that some tangible and concrete measures and reforms will be introduced in the system to cut down the delay, for justice delayed is justice denied. It is heartening to read that the authority has asked the Registrar judicial to prioritize listing of Jail Appeals. This has been the bane of the system as undertrials in many cases are in custody for much longer period than the punishment they would have undergone had their cases been decided. However, one has to bring to the notice of the authorities the fact that inordinate delays in adjudication of cases only emboldens bureaucrats to inflict injustice on poor people more so small Government servants for they are certain that the cases would take years to decide may be even after retirement. With no practice of damages being recovered from the wrong doers poor people are the worst sufferers for they cannot afford influential lawyers to defend their cases. In this country rich and mighty are generally able to hoodwink the law to their advantage.
V K Kandhari
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