Pensioners’ problems

The employees and pensioners feel cheated by the Government who have deliberately backtracked from its promises and agreements executed with the State employees, with the result the pending installments of DA and  Sixth Pay Commission arrears remain yet to be released.
The financial crunch is attributed as main reason in this regard. Will the Finance Minister make it convenient to explain as to where was the financial crunch when huge perks were released in favour of MLAs & MLCs and that too in “One Go”.
One wonders that even the print as well as visual media failed to highlight the demand in question when there debates are held on every petty matter over various TV Channels every now and then.
No main party has so far, come forward to assure the employees of the fulfillment of their genuine demands in “Toto” in the election manifesto.
Yours etc….
Rohini Kumar Gupta
AO (Retired)
Upper Shiv Nagar Jammu