People friendly PDS expected

Mahesh Chander Sudan
We, the people of Jammu and Kashmir, have witnessed a momentous turn of event in the historical journey of our state that has transited from statehood to two Union Territories apparently for the larger interest of the people of three regions of erstwhile state of Dogra Regime. It is being narrated to all of us that the princely state has finally been merged with Indian Union notwithstanding the fact that our Maharaja decided our fate more than seven decades ago by accepting the Instrument of Accession with India on 26 Oct 1947. The residents of Jammu and Kashmir solemnly accepted and honored the decision of then Maharaja and displayed unflinching loyalty towards Indian Union since then. We are proud to have faced the brunt of enemy aggressions as first line of control between two aggressors in 1947, 1962, 1965, and 1971 and also during kargil action and continue suffering IB/LOC violations almost on daily basis as citizens of India. Hence, the recent narrative at national level of complete merger of J&K with India on 31 Oct 2019 hurts us as it challenged our existence with Indian Union since the day of accession. We expected the leaders of the day to empathize and realize that the required constitutional amendment of article 370 or 35A is an administrative hurdle and it does not lower the sanctity of accession with Indian Union. However, we the people of J&K solicit the attention of ruling dispensation towards a prolonged avoidable absence of elected government that broke the link between the ruler and the ruled. It not only created a shrilling ideological vacuum but raised the level of helplessness amongst general masses due absence of governance for last three years.
The political environment of the then state has also been affected by ideological vacuum due to long absence of mass leaders of various political parties. We find no political access to reach the benefits of Indian democracy and resultant disconnect between the Ruler and the ruled is a shrilling silence that conveys a loud message to the leadership about the fate of poor citizens of two union territories who became victim of the circumstances especially young eligible professionals, graduates and other workers who are jobless and may cross the age limits for government jobs for no fault of theirs but for the circumstances created by the political masters at the helm of affairs. Prevalent uncertainty across the spectrum discourages people to display their entrepreneurship and stretch beyond safety network in any field including politics. Recent territorial reorganization of state basically argued and approved for accelerating development of the area primarily by providing special packages to enhance employment opportunity for youth remains elusive and waited since Aug 2019. Local political leaders even of ruling union dispensation find difficult to face people of their constituencies and answer them for the promises made to them. As it stands now that new government set up under direct control of Lieutenant Governors for two UTs have taken charge, the presence of government machinery at lowest level free of any local constitutional hurdle like other UTs of Indian Union is required to be reassured for the welfare of the people at large. It appears amply clear that elected government as per new format would only be possible earliest by third quarter of 2021 and this unavoidable vacuum creates unhealthy political environment unless an interactive and effective governance is ensured for seamless public delivery system failing which the people would lose faith in the system and it would be a fertile ground for vested interests to exploit
We are also concerned about the ongoing security situation of valley and do expect that the new set up would help in containing militancy to bring misguided youth to main stream. This would require a comprehensive approach both by administrators and the leaders of the valley across political spectrum with effective involvement of Union Leadership so that prevalent ideological stalemate is reduced to sheer neglect by local ground support. An incident free controlled environment raises the level of confidence of local people that ultimately brings them closer to administration and helps them come out of shrilling ideological silence to become part of local political activism in the larger interest of the nation. It has though been deliberated that new government set of Union Territory of JK would usher into new era of peace and prosperity, however the future holds the key. We therefore build our hope to achieve people friendly public delivery system to alleviate the sufferings of poverty ridden unemployed/underemployed citizens of this part of India that has been merged fully with Indian Union as a Union Territory shedding her century old status of a State. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.
The author is WgCdr (Retd)