People’s trust can’t be won by pellet guns: Farooq

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Apr 1: National Conference president Dr Farooq Abdullah today sought end to “reign of repression and coercion” unleashed against entire Kashmir population, saying that the PDP-BJP dispensation cannot get away with atrocities committed upon the people.
“Enough is enough”, Dr Abdullah said while addressing workers of Sonawar Assembly Segment of Srinagar Parliamentary seat.
He said “harassment and intimidation” or rehabilitation of jails with thousands of innocents cannot bring peace in Kashmir. “Peace shall remain a distant dream unless the root cause by assuaging political aspirations of Kashmir are not met.
Dr Abdullah dwelt in detail about accession and 1952 agreement and referred to the recent statement of former Sadar-e-Riyasat Dr Karan Singh in Parliament on the Instrument of Accession and said the younger generation has at least come to know the terms of accession and circumstances that led to its inking by Maharaja Hari Singh.
The NC president made a strong plea for resolving political problem of Kashmir, saying the grim situation in the Valley calls for early redressal. “People’s trust and confidence cannot be won by pellet guns or putting youth behind bars”, he said, wondering that instead of showing semblances of civility and compassion, the Government is indulging in provocations.
He expressed deep anguish over the killing of three innocent youth in Chadoora and wondered that Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti did not utter a word about this gruesome incident. He said that she used to visit slain militants houses in green robes when in the opposition but now the PDP has become accomplice in killing of young people in Kashmir.
Farooq also reminded the people about his apprehension during 2014 on PDP joining hands with  the BJP and said that he was vindicated when the fixed match was called off and Mufti Mohammed Sayeed became Chief Minister by aligning with Sangh Parivar. He expressed concern over the emergence of communal forces across the country and said that the minorities had a reason to feel apprehensive about their safety and security.
The NC chief blamed the Sangh Parivar for interfering in the religious affairs of Muslims and said that this is a bad omen for secularism.
Meanwhile, National Conference working president Omar Abdullah today lashed out at PDP for blaming people  for the current volatile situation in the Valley instead of feeling remorse over the reign of terror and repression it unleashed in Kashmir.
He wondered at the brazen attempts of Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti underplaying the bloodshed and atrocities being committed upon the people, saying the 2016 killings, blindings and maiming of youth is unparallel in the history of Kashmir.
“What Kashmiris underwent in 2016 or are facing now is beyond comprehension and expression”, he said while intensifying election campaign for the party president Dr Farooq Abdullah in Srinagar parliamentary constituency. He said PDP had pushed Kashmiri youth to the wall and robbing them of an opportunity to live with peace and dignity.
Omar said the “anti-people policies” of the PDP-BJP dispensation have brought Kashmir at the volatile cross roads of history where nothing is visible except uncertainty, fear and harassment. “The scenario across the Valley is so grim that the people are apprehensive about their safety with economic activity and development coming to grinding halt”, he said, adding that the spree of arrests has further vitiated the atmosphere. He said the current insensitive dispensation has exposed people to administrative inertia, as a result of which they were suffering on all fronts.
He asked the PDP as to what had happened to lofty promises of jobs for youth, repealing Armed Forces Special Powers Act, ensuring 24X7 drinking water and power supply and above all resolving political problem of Kashmir. He described PDP as “dream merchants”.
“Yes, if PDP can take credit of anything, it is strengthened of the unbridled forces with additional 5,000 pellet guns and seven lakh pellets to target Kashmiri youth”, he added.
The National Conference leader said the promises made by the PDP during 2014 Parliamentary and Assembly elections, as also while forming the Government in coalition with BJP have proved hoax. Those promises were just to hoodwink public opinion, as the PDP was never sincere to what it committed to the people. He cautioned the electors against machinations of the PDP-BJP duo saying they can go to any extent in remaining in the power.
Omar expressed his gratitude to the people of Beerwah for reposing their trust in him during 2014 assembly elections and said most of the commitments made by him have been either fulfilled or taken up and underway. He said he will always remain in the forefront to solve the problems of his constituency.
Referring to the upcoming by-polls, Omar described these as an opportunity for oppressed people to punish the PDP for its betrayal and joining hands with communal forces. He said that National Conference has aligned with the Congress to foil the nefarious game-plan of communal forces which have made inroads in Kashmir due to courtesy of the PDP.
Omar said that befitting reply to PDP’s betrayal would be to vote and support the NC and Congress candidates from Srinagar and Anantnag Parliamentary constituencies. He exuded confidence about magnificent success of Dr Farooq Abdullah from Srinagar with the active support of sagacious voters.