India chooses it’s leader

The elections of 2019 to elect 16th Lok Sabha shall go down in the history of India’s democratic process as the most gripping, fascinating- yet extremely challenging elections, ever fought since independence. The verdict of the people given so overwhelmingly in favour of the BJP, Modi and the NDA has with the same degree, been denied to those in the opposition, whose main interest and focus was how to remove and defeat Modi instead of providing a better and durable alternative. What were the issues at stake in these elections, votes for which were cast in seven phases involving thousands of security personnel in staggered duties along with thousands of employees and personnel as also hundreds of crores of Rupees, could precisely be pointing towards none other than defeating the incumbent Government, more so its leader, Narendra Modi. “Rest could be decided later” and this very fact proved to be the game changer in such a way which has bewildered not only the big wigs in Indian politics but even best of the political analysts and expert commentators.
Modi’s message of nationalism, strong Government, New India, fighting terrorism without any leniency, national security and above all, bringing to justice all corrupt people, was wholeheartedly embraced by the people across the country irrespective of caste, colour, religion or region. The opposition failed in stitching a pre-poll alliance with a strong leader to match the stature, capacity and the charisma of Narendra Modi. The much hyped and over ambitious Mahagathbandhan proved a total flop as in fact, it never proved effective in appearance or content whatsoever, to the extent of not materialising at all. It could never put forth its views on national issues like terrorism, national security, economic development, and the like. Chandrababu Naidu , the self appointed crusader to lead the political expedition to oust Modi suffered instead a debacle losing power on his own home turf both in Parliamentary as well as in Assembly elections.
The BJP+ has firmly secured 354 seats and on its own crossed the 300 mark, besting last time’s figures of 282, that of the UPA 92 out of which Congress has on its own a tally of just 52 seats bettering last time’s 44, while others have 99 seats in the new Lok Sabha. In J&K out of 6 seats, BJP has retained 3 seats including 1 in Ladakh while NC has won rest of the 3 seats. PDP has been routed completely in these elections, unable to retain even its traditional Anantnag seat. The concept and the tool of Mahagathbandhan to unite the opposition and to defeat Modi and the NDA proved utter failure as in UP it got squeezed to just 15 seats while the BJP has won 62 including 2 of its ally. Many big wigs in political arena have been defeated like Sushil Kumar Shindey, Digvijay Singh, Sheila Dixit, Ashok Chavan, Milind Deora, Jyotiraj Scindia, Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri etc.
The BJP has not only conquered the main Hindi heartland but has created history of sorts by winning on its own many seats in South India and almost swept the entire North Eastern states where Modi’s Government took keen interest in development and addressing their problems. The resolve and the vision of “ab key bar 300 par” was kept as a target not only to achieve but surpass it which has been made possible negating the theory of the laws of anti incumbency, in case there are any.
Now that the festival of democracy is over, all of us irrespective of political affiliation need to respect the verdict of India and work in tandem for the prosperity of our country.
People across the country have shown exemplary confidence in and extended sincerest support to Modi to rule this country for five more years. That indirectly means total acquiesce in and approval of the policies pursued by his Government on economic and political fronts as also dealing with social issues. However, the massive verdict brings on the winning combination tremendous responsibilities to take India to newer heights of development and prosperity.