Perils of pollution

This has reference to the Excelsior photograph (Aug 7) showing dead fish floating in Nageen lake Srinagar.
This is a grave environmental issue and needs to be debated rather enquired by the concerned agencies. The cause behind this problem needs to identified and a proper solution to avert such situation in the future be found at the earliest. Lackadaisical approach will only aggravate this further.
The Fisheries Department has identified flow of untreated sewage into this like one of the causes. This puts a question mark on the working of  Fisheries Department. Why has the Department allowed such flow into the lake? Why did not it instal sewage treatment plants to protect this lake from pollution.
The Department should have foreseen the consequences of such a problem.
It is time the authorities concerned wake up to this environmental issue at the earliest. Otherwise there were many more such issues in the making.
Yours etc…
Mohammad Ashraf Mir
Bemina Srinagar