PET scan machines

In a PIL case, the Division Bench of J&K High Court has directed the Commissioner Secretary Health and Medical Education Department to provide PET Scan machines in all Government Medical Colleges in the State within six months and also adequate number of Oncologists, Onco-surgeons and all other experts in the relevant field for the treatment of various types of cancer in all the regions of the State.
PET scan machine is used in treating cancer patients. Unfortunately, according to dependable survey, the number of cancer patients is fast increasing in our State and this is a matter of grave concern. Naturally our Health and Medical Education Department shall have to respond to this situation by providing adequate equipment, medical staff and other pre-requisites. At present cancer patients have to go outside the State for diagnosis and treatment of cancer and this is a very expensive affair which ordinary people cannot afford.
We warmly welcome the decision of the DB as it is in the interests of a large number of people of the State. The State has already provided some small facilities for cancer patients but taking into account the huge expenditure that is needed to treat a cancer patient, we think that the Government should reconsider the entire gamut of assistance and relief to cancer patients. It would be advisable to incept an independent cancer institute in the State which would be a research as well as treatment institute. Such an institute would save the people of the State from rushing to big cities like Delhi and Bombay to get treatment for cancer patients.