PFO under scanner

For years at end complaints have been coming in against the way in which Provident Fund cases are disposed off at the Provident Fund Organization. Harassment of subscribers and wasting their time by making various pretexts is the norm in vogue at this organization. Tarigami, the MLA has taken up a right issue in the Assembly alleging that the Government seems to have no control over the Provident Fund Organization and its functioning. It is their own money that retired employees are asking to be paid back. The idea is to provide succor to the retired employees so that they can maintain their living standard and meet the daily expenditures without hassles. But inordinate delay in refunding their money defeats the very purpose of provident fund scheme. Apart from delaying for long time the refunding of provident fund to the subscribers, there is also the question of paying increased rate of interest to them on their deposits. So far the Government decides arbitrarily a certain percentage for interest which is far less than what the banks give. The demand that the provident fund should be given the same rate of interest as is allowed by the banks is quite genuine and should be conceded. Additionally, complaints have also come in about non-updating of the accounts of subscribers. In the age of computer and digitalization it should not be difficult for the concerned to update the accounts as is done in the banks. This is not something that cannot be done.
We strongly plead that the Government bring about total reformation and modernization in the Provident Fund Organization. Its primitive way of functioning is highly conducive to corruption and bribery.