PHE workers clash with police, protest march to Civil Sectt foiled

PHE workers taking out massive protest march to Civil Secretariat in Jammu on Wednesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh
PHE workers taking out massive protest march to Civil Secretariat in Jammu on Wednesday. —Excelsior/Rakesh

* Strike extended up to Saturday
Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 19: Hundreds of PHE workers clashed with police near KC Crossing when their proposed protest march towards Civil Secretariat was foiled by strong contingent of J&K Police and Paramilitary Force men today.
Earlier, the PHE workers from various districts and sub divisions of the region held strong protest demonstration against Government at the PHE Complex B C Road, Jammu. The workers were shouting slogans in support of their demands and also against the UT Administration and BJP Govt at the Centre.
The PHE workers are on strike under the banner of PHE Employees United Front, Jammu province since February 7. Today was the 13th day of their strike. The workers are sitting on protest dharna in the office of Chief Engineer, PHE, BC Road complex besides other District and Sub Divisional headquarters.
They are demanding release of backlog earned wages of the workers pending since long, regularization of DRWs, provide job to one of the family member of the deceased daily rated worker, Rs 5 lakh assistance at the time of retirement, filling up of vacant posts, repair/ maintenance of pumping houses/ water stations and providing of basic facilities at water stations for the staff.
While addressing protesting workers senior members of the Front said that work remained totally paralysed in all the PHE Divisions in the region. But unfortunately the UT Administration has paid no attention towards the plight of the agitating employees. They alleged that concerned higher authorities have not responded properly to their demands and they have been forced to extend their strike for the next 72 hours.
After holding strong protest demonstration, they moved towards Civil Secretariat under the leasdership of Bakshi Singh, Subhash Verma, Tanveer Hussain, Bhanu Partap Singh, Jyoti Kumar, Ravi Kumar others. Over 10,000 workers joined this strong rally of the PHE workers/ employees. When they reached at K C Crossing, strong contingent of police and para military force raised barricades and fenced the road with cursentina wire. The employees clashed with the police but the police force did not allow them to move ahead. Their march was foiled. Three workers including Tanveer Hussain were injured.
Meanwhile, the water supply has been effected in many parts of Jammu city and rural areas of the region due to ongoing strike of the workers. The general public has been suffering due to suspension of water supply.