PHE workers hold protest

Excelsior Correspondent

PHE workers raising slogans during protest at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh
PHE workers raising slogans during protest at Jammu on Wednesday. -Excelsior/Rakesh

JAMMU, July 2: PHE workers held a protest demonstration and flayed the Government for not redressing their demands.
Hundreds of PHE workers from various divisions under the leadership of Bakshi Singh, provincial president, PHE Workers Welfare Association assembled in the premises of Chief Engineer, PHE Department, BC Road and raised slogans in favour of their demands.
The protestors alleged that the Government has turned a deaf ear towards their demands, which has compelled them to hold protest.
While speaking, Subash Chander, provincial general secretary of the association has said that 9 points charter of demands was discussed during the meeting with Minister for PHE, Irrigational and Flood Control.
The Minister assured that the demands highlighted during the meeting by the members of the association will be redressed within month time, he said and cautioned the workers for remaining vigilant till the total implementation of the demands.
Bakshi Singh appealed to the employees to review the pre-strike actions and the flaws so that if we had to go on strike in future, there should be no loop holes in the decision of strike.
Among others who spoke were Rattan Joshi, senior leader of the Association, Chuni Lal, Ram Labhaya, Babu Singh, Tilak Raj, Baldev Singh, Bansi Lal, Mohan Singh, Ram Lal, Ramesh Chander, Manzoor Ali, Ram Parkash, Ravi Kumar, Raju Jamwal and Parshotam Mehra.