Physical activity promotes health

Ganishka Bakshi(Chibber)
Over the last few years physical activity in teens has greatly decreased. This is due much to the fact that social media and television are becoming more and more popular but the need for exercise is still needed to keep us healthy. Doctors suggest that young people between the ages of 14-19 receive at least one hour of physical activity a day but that amount is rarely achieved.The public health agency of Canada recommends that children between the ages of 5 to 17 receive at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 3 days a week. They came to this conclusion after having many interviews with a variety of specialist from many different parts of the medical industry.  There is definitely a correlation between the amount of exercise you receive and how healthy you are.
When you exercise the amount of growth factors increases which in turn help create new brain cells and create new connections in your mind. A number of scientists in Germany conducted a study where they had a group of teenagers conduct a complicated fitness task for 10 minutes and then perform a high attention task. It was concluded that after physical activity they did better.
Immediately after you exercise you often feeling incredible. This is because your body release’s a chemical called endorphin. It’s a hormone that creates a sense of positivity and elation. Endorphins contradict stress, pain and fear. And therefore you feel good when you receive them.
Physical activity also has many long term health benefits. Being physically active/fit can help you sleep better at night, decrease your risk of contracting heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure and lower your chances of having a stroke.  When you exercise you also reduce your BMI and that prevents obesity.
Physical activity has also been proven to positively impact your mental health. Therapists recommend exercise as a part of their prescription for depressed patients. It doesn’t cure depression but it definitely has a positive impact.  Exercise also reduces anxiety as exercise reduces the feeling of stress and nervousness. Specifically aerobic exercises such as walking and swimming stimulate anti-anxiety effects. The more you exercise, the more your athletic abilities increase therefore enhancing your self-esteem.
Although many children in India suffer from mal-nourishment, many also suffer from obesity. At  an outstanding 5% affecting our entire population we are strongly lacking exercise.  However it is now easier than ever to receive your daily 60 minutes. Many children have video game consoles such as the wii or Kinect which make exercise enjoyable. If parents were to encourage their children to play interactive games, their children may be more willing to work out.
(The writer was born in Jammu  now reside in Toronto, Canada).