Pioneer educationist couple of J&K

The pioneer educationist couple late Harbans Lal Gupta and late Shanti Gupta founded Model Academy, an educational institution in private sector at Jammu in 1936. They founded and developed this institute into Model Institute of Education & Research, (MIER) through sheer hard work, dedication, vision and great qualities of leadership. Their memories are still fresh in the minds of the people for their contribution and as brief pen portrait is attempted in this article.
In an exclusive interview, Dr Arun K. Gupta, son of late H.L. Gupta and chairman, MIER while speaking about the founder of this institution said: “they were great visionary and missionary who brought a new trend in education by making it progressive, nationalistic, result-oriented and futuristic”.
He further added, “they as a team combined idealism, pragmatism, humanism and enriched their philosophy with scientific rationalism so as to prepare future generation to be competent, committed and confident to face the challenges of life. They promoted the private enterprises in education and worked towards harmony, globalization, women empowerment and suitably mould the human personality to draw best out of it”.
Commitment to cause
While Harbans Lal Gupta was born in a villages “Dubheran” in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) on February 4, 1912 on the auspicious Basant day, his wife Shanti Kohli was born in 1919 at Ludhiana (Punjab). After receiving high education they were married during 1942 and jointly nurtured the growth of Model Academy Education Institution at Jammu to its full stature and size.
After matriculation from Ranvir High School, Jammu in 1927, Mr Gupta joined Gordon College Rawalpindi and later completed M.A. in Economics from Foreman Christian Colleges Lahore in 1933. In 1934, he qualified for the Fellowship of the Royal Economics Society, London and also completed his B.T. in 1941.
Recalling the qualities of his parents, Dr. Arun Gupta said his father had missionary zeal, discipline, punctuality and broadmindedness while his mother Shanti Gupta had high virtues of head and heart with forceful personality and sense of deep understanding of the aspiration of the budding youth. Shanti Gupta, a highly educated and trained teacher, remained Principal of Model Academy and Chairperson, Board of Directors of MIER.
Pioneer Educationist
The marriage of the two educationist and teachers brought a new phase of development for the Model Academy. Both were held in high esteem by teachers, parents and students alike. They were associated actively with number of social and cultural organizations, educational bodies and leaders of various political hues.
Making a mention of very notable students who pass through this institution, Dr Arun Gupta said: Dr Adarsh Sein Anand, who became Chief Justice of India and later Chairman, National Human Rights Commission ; Gen. J.J. Singh, former Chief of Army Staff, Indian Army, Admiral Arun Prakash, Chief of Indian Navy, Justice Anil Dev Singh, former Chief Justice, Rajasthan High Court; Gen. G.S, Rawat, Vice Chief of Army Staff, Justice (Ms) Usha Shukla; Gen. Keshav Singh Jamwal; Gen. Anup Singh,Gen. Ranjit Singh; late Ms Tahira Shahmiri, J&K Education Secretary.
Dr. Gupta stated that three generations of his family including his parents, he and his wife as also our two sons are actively associated with this institution.
Onwards: Quality Education
Both have visited a large number of countries and participated in seminars and conference related to education sector.
H.L. Gupta passed away on December 30, 1983, while Ms Shanti Gupta breathed her last in March, 1999. The distinguished couple is survived by their son Dr. Arun .K. Gupta and four daughters. This unique couple is affectionately remembered by the people in general and students of this premier educational institution.
The pioneer educationist couple has left a legacy for expansion of private enterprise in the promotion of education at all levels. The role of education in the private sector for attaining the objective of “Education For All” has now been fully realized and many new educational institutions have come up in all parts of the State. Now all out efforts must be made to improve the quality of education for turning out youth with modern outlook, grounded with high moral values, scientific temper and commitment for bright future of humanity.
(Starline Syndicate Service)