PK holds workshop at Mansar, discusses genocide issue

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Dec 31: Panun Kashmir (PK) conducted a one-day workshop of its activists at TRC complex, Mansar inUdhampur district today. Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, president, PK, Virender Raina, Charimanof its Political Affairs Committee ( PAC),  Upinder Kaul, general secretary, Kamal Bagati, general secretary (Org),  Sardar Prem Singh Raina, president-KSDF, Randhir Singh Bali,  Ashok Chrungoo, treasurer-PK, Pramod Kumar, prominent poet, Bhupinder Singh Raina, Vimla Chrungoo, secretary-DOPK, Santosha Sharma, Saroj Kaul, Sameer Bhat, convener-Panun Kashmir Youth, Pulkit, Archana, Abhit Bazaz, Paras, Vineet and Vikram Singh among others attended the Workshop.
The Workshop was conducted on the occasion of the 27th anniversary of the Margdarshan Resolution of 1991 to discuss and deliberate upon the various facets of historic homeland resolution, its present importance and relevance and the current political scenario in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
During the workshop two resolutions after discussing the issues of survival of the displaced community were adopted. Through first resolution the Government at the Centre was appealed to enhance the amount of the relief of the relief holders to a minimum of Rs. 5,000 per person with a maximum of Rs. 20,000 per month/per family as the cost of living index has gone up over a period of one year. Since the Parliamentary elections are due in April-May 2019 and the code of conduct will be applied in a month’s time, the enhancement should be considered favourably and declared on priority basis. It also appealed Central Government to consider and announce a special employment package for the displaced youth in the Central Government departments to the tune of 1,000 seats in the Jammu & Kashmir State in order to check the alarming dispersal of the youth from the State.
Kamal Bagati conducted the proceedings of the Workshop in which two poems regarding the forced mass exodus, ethnic cleansing and displacement of the community by Sardar Bhupinder Singh Raina were recitation of
Ashwani Kumar Chrungoo, president PK in his address said that   Panun Kashmir’s struggle in exile all these three decades is directly based on the firm footing of the ideology of Margdarshan Resolution.
Virender Raina, chairman, PAC said that the long struggle of PK has a bounden duty to take various segments of the society together regardless of the generational shift. It becomes one of the important tasks of the leadership to pass on the baton of the struggle to the younger generation to carry forward the struggle in exile, he added.