PK warns GoI against withdrawal of army

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 18: Panun Kashmir (PK) has expressed its shock and dismay on the decision of Government of India to order vacation of Army from strategically very important camps in South Kashmir.
In a statement issued here today by PK chairman Dr Ajay Chrungoo and its convener Dr Aghnishekhar it said that this decision was taken at the personal intervention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all the more demoralizing for the entire nationalist constituency in Jammu and Kashmir.
“To us it is intriguing that while Prime Minister of India urges the world opinion and leaders to recognize Pakistan as the incubator of terror, the policies of Government of India are such that has already converted Kashmir into a permanent incubator of separatism and terror’’, PK leaders said.
“What must have guided our Prime Minister to take personal interest to see that the Army vacates strategically crucial high ground in South Kashmir baffles us’’, it said..
The PK leaders said the decision of ordering Army to vacate from certain strategically crucial areas of Anantnag has come at a time when there are daily occurrences of terror acts across the Valley along the most guarded routes like the National Highway. Attacks on police stations, security pickets, bunkers are happening every now and then. Daily causalties of security personnel and innocent people at the hands of terrorists should have made Government of India wiser about the ground situation, they added.
Panun Kashmir warned Government of India about the seeping demoralization into the rank and file of security personnel operating in Jammu and Kashmir. It also  warned Government of India to desist from appeasing separatist constituency and terrorist establishment and  urged it to recognize the fact that Pan-Islamic terrorism is posing critical challenges to the nation of India which has to be destroyed militarily and politically.