PK will not allow erasing of Sanskrit civilization of Kashmir

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, June 29: Panun Kashmir (PK) today reiterated that it will not allow the forces inimical to ancient civilization of Kashmir to erase every sign and structure of the Sanskrit civilization of the Indian nation in Kashmir of which the Kashmiri Pandit community is the civilizational seed and anchor.
Addressing a meeting of PK activists here today Kuldeep Raina its general secretary said Prakash – a P K initiative is working to retrieve the cultural and spiritual moorings of the Kashmiri Pandit community from the onslaught of the nefarious propaganda and designs of such forces.
He said in continuation of the research and documentation of the heritage, culture, traditions, religion and philosophy of the Kashmiri Pandit, Prakash has been involved in sensitizing the nation and the society about the civilizational continuity of the Kashmiri Pandit community towards the guarding the civilizational frontier of the Indian nation in Kashmir.
Meanwhile condemning the attitude of the Government towards the inmates of the Jagti refugee camp, Sanjay Raina, Co-ordinator, P K,Jagti Unit said, “the Kashmiri Pandit community is being subjected to the State sponsored genocide and intimidation to drive them to the verge of desperation and despondency. On the Prime Minister’s visit the electricity was restored for two days to give an impression that the camp dwellers are being given proper amenities but the after the two days the of his visit to the State, the electricity crisis continues unabated unhindered when the mercury and humidity are increasing rapidly in Jammu, subjecting the Kashmiri conditions undeclared crisis.”