Planning for old life

O P Modi
Old age is more important than other stages of life. Why so? As that is the last and the most difficult phase of our life. Therefore one should begin planning for it as soon as possible. Most of us, when young practically give the least thought to old age, which is bound to arrive with all its day to day problems that can cripple ones spirits. That is why it is important to plan your old right NOW.  As soon as one reaches the age of 30 there begins greater loss of bone calcium and when one crosses 35 more body cells start dying than what are produced. It becomes necessary to turn to greater supply of calcium in the body and eat such food as would provide sufficient vitamins to generate additional energy. To digest calcium it is necessary to add vitamin D in your food and to absorb these one should sit in Sunshine daily for some time. In order to avoid burning of skin avoid sitting too long.
The Central government keeping in view special needs of the Senior Citizens and  Very Senior Citizens ( Old persons aged 60 to 80 and very old persons above 80) has made specific provision in the Income tax rules. According to these a Senior Citizen as also Very Senior Citizen would get different amounts of income tax exemptions. This is very helpful for the old persons. Thus it is clear that the Government realizes the serious problems that the old persons face in their everyday life. These include the neglect by their progeny, lack of timely medical aid, inability to independently reach the doctor or a nursing home. Even correctly reading the prescription becomes problematic due to weak eye sight. The old person needs help in understanding doctors’ instructions. As the eyesight is weak he or she cannot correctly read name of the medicine on its cover. It is indeed a sad state of affairs.
Despite all this the old persons should not complain. On the other hand relatives and friends who come to enquire about his welfare should be greeted with a smile. It would look nice if the guests are entertained with jokes and tit bits. It should be borne in mind that no one except the doctor or the life partner can be of any real help.
Sadly old age brings with it a number of illnesses, including joint and muscle pain that could be crippling, diabetes and many others. It is therefore very important that when young one should take every step to keep absolutely healthy. Regular exercise, a long brisk walk alternating it with running, as fast as possible, can prove helpful. Yoga is the best way to maintain a robust health.
Worst of all is the loneliness. This could happen with a person who has lost his or her life partner. In event of that happening one should live with his or her daughter or son. However, sometimes even that is not possible. Then what could be the alternative?
It is well known that those who had been devoted to spirituality right from their youth do not suffer loneliness. Loneliness does not trouble such persons as are adept at some kind of art.  Last stage of life can be made a period of joy and fun, irrespective of being faced with illness or neglect by near and dear ones, if he or she adopts any art as a companion. Music, painting, singing, writing articles or novels, any one of these can make life easy for a senior citizen.
Do not despair, life is like that. One comes here for a brief period. “Jatisy druhu miritu, druham janama miritasy che; tasmat aparharay na tvam suchtey ar hesay.” Geeta says, “The one who is born must die and the one who dies would be born again; therefore do not grieve.”