Plantation drive

This has reference to the news item ‘Div Com for massive plantation around Jammu City’ DE Aug 29.
The Divisional Commissioner Jammu has very well suggested that massive afforestation is imperative to solve the pollution problems and depleting ground water level in Jammu city.
Jammu city as it is expanding horizontically as well as vertically is losing it green cover rapidly. Large swathes have been cleared of trees for building residential houses, commercial complexes and roads. The rapid urbanisation has also affected the local flora and funa. The damage has been done. Now, we have to find ways to overcome it. The first step is to check ruthless cutting of trees. Then ways and means should be found for launching an afforestation campaign. Though many departments like social forestry are on the job, many NGOs should be involved in this noble task.
Yours etc….
Rajesh Gupta