Platinum Jubilee Year

Auditors’ report and business agenda presented at J&K Bank’s 75th Annual General Meeting bring cheer to the staff and shareholders of the bank. In particular the announcement of the payment of Platinum Jubilee dividend of 500 per cent to its shareholders is something enviable. J&K Bank is ranked among first rate banks in the country and, according to the statistics presented to the AGM, it conducted over Rs 1,00,000 crore business target and Rs 1,000 crore profits in the Platinum Jubilee year.
We know that J&K Bank has contributed its share in bringing down the level of unemployment in the State and has promoted various social schemes that improve economic health of the State. It has added new branches to its total of 685 and thus is trying to reach the remotest corners of the State. Delivery wise, the bank has developed a high standard with the main purpose of providing more facilities to the customers and enhancing scope of financial facility to new and young entrepreneurs.  There is no doubt that expansion of the bank in days to come is a foregone conclusion.
While we wish the bank success and popularity and its effort of reaching more and more people and households in the State, we expect bank authorities to draw new plans of social emancipation and public good. In particular, more conducive plans for student community need to be devised and educational and training loans offered on very liberal terms. We would also like to know whether the bank would consider collaborating with relevant agencies of the administration for providing support to people below poverty line in finding them opportunities of self employment as a special category. The bank should also devise schemes of providing the avenue of livelihood for the destitute women.  The bank could also collaborate with the two municipal corporations in the State to advance sanitary and environmental conditions in the State. J&K Bank can have an ideal agenda of social service. It has the capability of meeting this requirement.