Plea to LG

The whole country at present is threatened by the Corona Virus and with each passing day the situation is deteriorating. There is no respite from the ill effects of corona virus till date as it has already consumed lakhs of precious human lives in India. Now the increasing Covid positive cases and daily fatalities happening in J&K UT is a subject of big concern. In order to break the chain of this virus, JK UT has already imposed lockdown and all modes of public transportation has been closed in J&K. But with the stoppage of public transport, the Government employees are facing extreme inconvenience and hardships particularly those employees who have no conveyance of their own. So for such employees ‘Work From Home’ WFH initiative must be implemented as almost all offices are now digitised in J&K and hence the concept of Work From Home need to be adopted in times of covid crisis which in the long run will streamline the total work of all Govt Departments.
The work from home initiative is a novel way of doing work from home at a time when the whole world is threatened by this invisible enemy of Covid. It is heartening that all private organisations have allowed its employees to work from home to avoid social contact as this virus spreads through touch and not through air. Itwould be in the fitness of things to allow Government employees to work from home.
Work from home initiative is a temporary measure and is not a permanent alternative. It is a temporary measure to tide over the current situation which has arisen due to the emergence of the virus.
Therefore, the J&K Government Departments and offices should be allowed to work from home so that the work will not suffer and at the same time the adverse effects of the virus will be limited.
I would like to make an humble appeal to the LG’s administration to implement “Work From Home” initiative for the government sector employees which in the ultimate analysis will go a long way in mitigating corona virus.
Vivek Koul
Bank Colony
Gole Gujral Jammu