We the candidates who had applied for the posts of the AMVI (Assistant Motor Vehicle inspector) and SMVI (Sub Motor Vehicle Inspector) vide advertisement No. 04 of 2017 as per item no. 21 and 22 respectively want to submit that:- All was going well, right from the date when advertisement 04/2017 dated 28-11-2017 was advertised for the conduction of exam to the publication of provisional list and the document verification process. We would like to mention here that we have cracked the CBT (Computer Base Test) and got selected for the said posts.
It may be mentioned here that case is pending for judgement in the court for last two years. We would like to mention here that we the selected candidates have been suffering from the last one and half years. It is, therefore, requested to your good self that this matter should be taken on priority basis.
Selected candidates of