Plea to Transport Minister

It is a very horrible experience to take a ride of the matadors in the city. Besides flouting other rules and regulations, the drivers not only drive  roughly but also play music at full volume with continuous honking, deafening the hearing organs of the passengers. The menace created by the matadors has taken many precious lives as experienced in the recent past. A well appreciated drive by Traffic Police and Transport Department authorities for seizure of the music systems was initiated some years back but has been suspended for unknown reasons. The drivers do not pay heed to the plea of passengers for reducing volume of music and often enter in verbal altercation with them creating lot of inconvenience and embarrassment. The traffic police looks helpless as these drivers pause the music at Nakas and continue thereon. Intervention  of Transport Minister J&K is highly needed to relieve the commuters of such menace in the hot summers.
Yours etc….
Sajad Hussain
Kachi Chawni, Jammu