Plight of female folk

Refer news item, “Girl rescued, youth held” in the DE Oct. 22,2012. Day in and day out, we come across news items appearing in various newspapers pertaining to kidnapping, rape, molestation, and other harsh and barbaric ill treatment meted out to both girls and women which speaks a lot about our degeneration and going to the lowest ebb of barbarism, atrocity, cruelty and inhumanity.
The persons involved in such crimes make the lives of female folk hell and as such they should be given the worst possible punishment and should in no case be spared whether they belong to influential persons. Why should not our daughters, sisters move freely as do men and why should the men boast of themselves of being superior to women folk and consider women as bonded labourers and show pieces. What a contrast to our true and admitted conception that a woman is incarnation of the goddess. On culmination of the Holy Navratras we perform puja of girls taking them for Goddess Durga so that our sins are washed away. But our practical behaviour is in quite contrast to this.
Our State Govt should rise to the occasion by taking preventive measures to overcome the menace of atrocity to women folk. Besides, the younger generation in schools and colleges should be imparted moral education so that they imbibe the same spirit in themselves as was prevalent when women used to be as much good as to be worshipped.
Yours etc….
Dwarika Nath Raina
H No. 131 Upper Muthi, Jammu