Plus-2 Lecturers meet DSE, raise demands

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, Feb 6: A delegation of All J&K Plus-2 Lecturers’ Forum here today met Director School Education School (DSE), Anuradha Gupta.
The delegation was led by Forum State President, Deepak Sharma and it discussed various problems and issues concerning plus two community with the DSE.
The delegation demanded issuance of formal order for benefit of earned leave in favour of those lecturers engaged in CM Super 50/Summer Tutorials during vacations.
The delegation also demanded timely submission of data to administrative department for favour of promotions and regularization process and sought DSE’s intervention in creation of subject specific posts at Plus-2 level and rationalization thereof.
The Forum also demanded fixation of tenure of one year only in all hard areas on analogy of Ladakh region and timely completion of transfer process for repatriation of those working in far flung areas away from their homes.
Other demands included revocation of SRO-202, fixation of Induction Quota in favour of Plus-2 Lecturers or repatriation of Joint Directors from KAS Cadre working in School Education Department to their Parent Cadre and removal of pay anomaly of Physical Education Lecturers.
The DSE assured for timely redressal of their grievances and issues.
The delegation included N.S Jamwal, Anil Sharma, R.S Slathia, Pardeep Singh, Fazal Hussain, Abdul Rashid Giri and Imtiyaz Qazmi.