PM announces Rs 80,000 crore package for Kashmir; vows to make it paradise again

SRINAGAR :  Invoking Mr Atal Behari Vajpayee?s doctrine of Kashmiriyat, Jamhuriyat and Insaniyat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today announced a Rs 80,000 crore package for Kashmir while expressing his firm resolve to make it a paradise once again.
We have to build a new Kashmir, a strong Kashmir, he declared while addressing a rally at the Sher-i-Kashmir Cricket Stadium here.
Stating that he did not need anyone’s advice or analysis on Kashmir, Mr Modi observed that its development hinged on the three mantras enunciated by Mr Vajpayee. This is the Prime Minister’s first visit to the state after the PDP-BJP formed a coalition government.    He said there was need to create employment opportunities for the youth in the state for its speedy development.    He congratulated the youth of Kashmir for performing well in all the competitive exams in the country in the last few years.    Regretting that Kashmir has suffered a lot over the years, he said generations have seen their dreams being crushed. He said he was convinced the day was not far when Kashmir could get back its previous glory.
Mr Modi said,”We worked with the then Government and provided relief to the September 2014 flood victims. We gave Rs 1,000 crore and later provided more funds. But today I announce Rs 80,000 crore package for Jammu and Kashmir.”
Mr Modi made the announcement at the end of his more than 40 minute address amid a thunderous applause by the gathering, who were listening patiently despite chilly weather condition.
Stating that this was just beginning, Mr Modi asserted  Treasures in Delhi are for you.
However, he did not describe in details the components of the package.