PM expresses outrage over Masarat’s release

Talking tough against the Mufti Mohammad  Sayeed Government’s move to release hardline separatist leader  Masarat Alam, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today assured that the Centre will not compromise on the issue of national unity, as the Opposition united to attack the BJP in both Houses of  Parliament.
As tempers ran high against the release of Hurriyat leader, the Prime Minister intervened in the Lok Sabha to assuage feelings of the Members, who were demanding his statement on the issue.
“I also want to express my anguish, along with you and the entire country,” Mr Modi said, adding that the Centre has sought clarification from the state Government and all the necessary steps will be taken to strengthen the national unity after getting response from the state Government.         Amid noisy objections, the Prime Minister also clarified that the Centre was not taken into confidence or informed about the release of Masarat Alam.
This was the second time in as many weeks that the Prime Minister was forced to clarify his stand on the issue of terrorism and national security after formation of the new PDP-BJP Government took over in Jammu and Kashmir.    Earlier, Mr Sayeed has forced the Prime Minister to go on back foot when the Chief Minister immediately after taking oath had credited militants, Hurriyat and the elements across the border for peaceful conduct of polls in the state.    “We are sharing power in J&K with PDP and you have every right to criticise us for any wrongdoings of the state Government,” the Prime Minister said. But, he said, the issue of national unity was above partisan politics and would remain so in future.
“Please do not teach us on patriotism as our leader Syama Prasad Mookerjee had sacrificed for the same,” Mr Modi said amid uproar from the Opposition benches.
The Rajya Sabha too witnessed furore over the issue as the Opposition demanded Prime Minister’s statement.     However, the Opposition relented and allowed the proceedings to continue after getting assurance from the Government that Home Minister Rajnath Singh will make a statement. (UNI)