New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Principal Adviser, PK Sinha, has resigned, reportedly on “personal grounds”. The former Cabinet Secretary was in the PM’s Office for 18 months.
The post of Principal Adviser to PM was created to accommodate Mr Sinha in the Prime Minister’s Office in 2019.
Mr Sinha, one of the senior most bureaucrats in the government, had the longest tenure as Cabinet Secretary for over four years, with three extensions. The 1977 Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer belonged to the Uttar Pradesh cadre.
In PM Modi’s first term, he was Cabinet Secretary. When he retired in 2019, the year PM Modi returned to power, he was taken into the PM’s Office as Officer on Special Duty.
fter Nripendra Misra, another bureaucrat who was part of PM Modi’s office, moved out of the PMO, Mr Sinha was appointed Principal Adviser. Both are said to be among the Prime Minister’s most trusted officers.
Earlier, Mr Sinha served as Secretary with three Union ministries when the Congress-led UPA was in power. (AGENCY)