PM seeks people’s support in 7 things to defeat coronavirus

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday asked people to follow seven things in the coming days to help the government in its fight against the coronavirus.
The seven things which the prime minister asked people to follow included taking care of the elderly as they are more prone to infection, keeping their faces covered while venturing out and taking care of the poor and the needy who have been effected by the lockdown.
” … If we continue to be patient and follow rules, we will be able to defeat even a pandemic like coronavirus. With this faith and trust, I seek your support for 7 things,” he said in his address to the nation.
Modi on Tuesday announced that the lockdown across the country will be extended till May 3 to fight the pandemic, saying the measure has produced a significant outcome in containing the infection
The first thing he asked for was to take special care of the elderly, especially those who have chronic disease. “We have to take extra care of them, and keep them safe from coronavirus,” he said.
The second thing Modi said was strict adherence to the ‘Lakshman Rekha’ of the lockdown and social distancing. “Please also use homemade face-covers and masks without fail,” he said.
He also urged people to follow the protocol issued by the Ayush Ministry to enhance immunity. “Regularly consume warm water and ‘kadha’,” he said.
The prime minister also stressed on the need to download the the Arogya Setu mobile app to help prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.
” Take as much care of poor families as you can … Try to fulfill their food requirements … Be compassionate towards the people who work with you in your business or industry. Do not deprive them of their livelihood,” he said.
Finally, he said people should pay utmost respect to “Corona Warriors” – doctors and nurses, sanitation workers and police force. (AGENCIES)