PM took country to new heights: Col Mahan

Excelsior Correspondent

KATHUA, May 31: District Development Council (DDC) Kathua Chairman, Col (Retd) Mahan Singh complimented the Prime Minister for leading and taking the country successfully to new heights in national as well as international arena. He asserted that country has witnessed tremendous development and progress in all spheres, as a result of which India has emerged as the world leader and is playing vital role in international affairs.
Col Mahan Singh was addressing the party men and public representatives here today who were listening the Garib Kalyan Yojana Sammelan addressed by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi from the Ridge Ground in Shimla.
The Prime Minister through virtual mode randomly interacted with beneficiaries from different states across the country. The remarkable feature of today’s Sammelan was that the Prime Minister digitally transferred the 11th installment of Kissan Samman Nidhi Yojana to 10 crore farmers across the nation. It is pertinent to mention here that Rs. 21000 crore was transferred by the PM at the click of a button from the Garib Kalyan Yojana Sammelan venue.
Col Mahan Singh said that it has been happening for the first time that India as well as Indian Prime Minister is being sought the most while deliberating on the significant global issues by the so called big powers including the US and the European nations or the UNO and the WHO. He said that the perception of the people as well as those in governance has now completely changed for the better.
He said that full credit goes to astute leadership and governance of PM Modi that today people are fully aware about the Government schemes and they come forward in large numbers to avail the benefits of such schemes. He said that it is a matter of great pride for us that today India’s start-ups are being talked about globally. Even the World Bank talks about India’s Ease of Doing Business, the DDC Chairman added.
Col Mahan Singh also complimented the Lt Governor, Manoj Sinha for putting the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory back on the track of equitable development, ensuring transparency and corruption free environment across this sensitive region of the nation.