PMRP and priority areas

The Chief Minister has earmarked four priority areas towards which funds from rupees 700 crore PMRP allocation would be diverted for utilization during the fiscal year 2012-13. These are: (a) strengthening and streamlining of power transmission and distribution, (195.24 crore), (b) upgrading of Mughal Road (Rs. 105.29 crore), (c) rehabilitation of dwellers within Dal and Nigeen lakes (Rs 233.82 crore), and (d) construction of 5242 two-room tenements for Kashmiri migrants (Rs 45.65 crore). Besides this, the Chief Minister, who is also holding the portfolio of planning, has decided to keep a provision of Rs 120 crore for Counterpart Fund and Asian Development Bank (Part-II) from Rs 700 crore PMRP.
This appears very judicious allocation of funds and certainly for priority areas. Loss incurred on the transmission and distribution of electric power is enormous and need to be reduced drastically. The Mughal Road being the emerging alternative overland link to Kashmir is vital to security and stability of the State, and as it runs close to the border at a few places, its security has to be beefed up. It presents a scenic view and as such has tourist potential.  Families dislocated from Dal and Nageen Lakes have to be rehabilitated on priority basis. Therefore allocation for their rehabilitation is highly desirable. Likewise is the case of constructing two-room tenements for the Kashmiri migrants. However it needs to be elucidated why only a small sum of rupees 45.65 crore has been allocated for the latter while allocations for the former category are more than five times than this amount. How many homesteads displaced from Dal and Nageen have to be rehabilitated has not been mentioned.