PoJK DPs protest, demand release of pending relief

PoJK DPs staging protest demonstration near Press Club in Jammu on Tuesday. - Excelsior/ Rakesh
PoJK DPs staging protest demonstration near Press Club in Jammu on Tuesday. - Excelsior/ Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent
JAMMU, July 26: The displaced persons from Pak occupied Jammu and Kashmir (PoJK) today held protest demonstration and demanded release of pending relief package of Rs 24.50 lakh in favour of displaced families as per JPC recommendations.
A large number of DPs led by Capt (Retd) Yudhvir Singh Chib, under the banner of PoJK DPs Front 1947, 1965, 1971 and Non Camp-71 assembled near Press Club Jammu today and held protest demonstration. They were shouting slogans in favour of their demands and also against the J&K Relief authorities. They pointed out that after long struggle, Prime Minister Modi released Rs 2000 crore relief package in favour of PoJK refugees/DPs but the authorities in J&K have failed to disburse the same even after six years.
While addressing large gathering Capt Chib said that till today, the Relief authorities have distributed relief to the tune of Rs 5.50 lakh family but many families are still deprived of it. Government must extend time frame and expedite their cases.
The DPs leader further pointed out that JPC had recommended Rs 30 lakh relief per family and the Government must release remaining Rs 24.5 lakhs relief per family. This Rs 5.5 lakh was just first installment of the amount declared by the Joint Parliamentary Committee.
He also demanded issuance of ID cards for the DPs, DPs’ families residing in Himachal, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and elsewhere should also be considered for the relief, reservation should be given to the DPs children in Technical Education institutes and in Govt jobs, at least 12 Assembly seats be reserved for PoJK DPs and ownership rights be given to the Camp DPs of 1965 and 71.
Senior DPs leaders J P Sharma, Kulbir Singh Chib, Sakandya Devi (women wing president), Master Kehar Singh, Master Kamal Kumar and others also joined the protest.