Police arrests youth for rape attempt on girl child

Excelsior Correspondent
KULGAM, Aug 24: Police today arrested a youth in South Kashmir district of Kulgam for attempting to rape a girl child at her home.
Police said that they have booked the youth after family members of a child complained that he had attempted rape on their child.
“We have arrested a youth, Adil Ahmad Ilahi, son of Bashir Ahmad Ilahi of Hussanpora for attempting to rape a minor girl at her home,” Station House Officer, Qaimoh, Farroq Ahmad said.
The SHO said that Ilahi had barged into the girl’s room after seeing her alone. “The girl’s parents had gone outside for some work when the youth barged into the house”, he said.
Ahmad said that medical examination confirmed attempt to rape on the child. “A rape case (FIR 222/2013 under Sections 376 and 511) has been registered against him in the Police Station Kulgam.
This is second incident of attempt to rape in the district this week in which assault was made on a child.