Police collect deceased witness’s statement copy

A police team probing the killing of Akhil Gupta, a witness in the rape case against self-styled godman Asaram in Surat, has collected a copy of his statement recorded before a Gandhinagar court.
Gupta (35) had given the statement under section 164 of CrPC against Asaram who is accused of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl at his ashram in Jodhpur.
He was shot dead Sunday by unidentified assailants on Jansath Road under New Mandi police station area here when he was returning home.
Meanwhile, police today said they had made no headway in probe into the murder of the Asaram rape case witness even as interrogation of a few suspects in this connection was on.
Three police teams, led by SP (City) Sarvan Kumar have been formed to apprehend the two assailants who killed Gupta. (PTI)