This is in reference to the Op-Ed “Police reforms” by R.R Sharma (DE, December 21). Police are one of ubiquitous organizations of the society. The police are expected to be most accessible, interactive and dynamic organization. It is a matter of displeasure that our police system is lagging behind and continues to remain a colonial legacy. The public expectations from police have multiplied as newer forms of crimes have surfaced. Consequently, the policing system needs to be reformed to be in tune with present day scenario. Amidst earlier reports and recommendations, directives issued by Supreme Court in Prakash Singh v. Union of India were first tangible step in the directions of the police reforms. However, despite several committees and directives the recommendations have not been implemented seriously. The problem is more complicated because of ‘symbiotic relationship’ between ruling elite and police virtue of which there is negligible political will on this issue.
Therefore, there is dire need to vigorously execute the agenda of police reforms and while doing so, the members of police force at all levels should be invited to make suggestions about the type of police service and policing law they would like to be part of.
Ratul Dhiman
The Law School, JU