Police working on best model of Rehab Policy for ex-militants

Sanjeev Pargal

Excelsior RakeshJAMMU, Mar 7: Director General of Police (DGP) K Rajendra said today that police was working on “best model of rehabilitation policy’’ for the militants, who have given up the path of violence, existing within the country or even outside, and will implement it shortly on directions of the Government.
Rajendra told the Excelsior that a high level team of police officers headed by him was working on the policy. IG CID B Srinivasan has been appointed as Nodal Officer for implementation of the new policy, he said.
He added that during 21st century various countries have faced the militancy followed by rehabilitation of those, who had given up the gun. Even within India, various States had faced similar situation.
“We will adopt the best model of rehabilitation out of them,’’ he said, adding that the policy would include providing jobs or other means of livelihood to the surrendered or former militants, who have given up the gun, so that they are not lured once again to the wrong path.
A couple of days back, Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed, who holds the portfolio of Home Department, had asked the DGP to come out with policy for surrendered militants.
Meanwhile, the State police chief said that infiltration of the militants from across the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border (IB) in Jammu and Kashmir has been brought down considerably due to robust counter-infiltration grid along the borders.
“Our counter infiltration grid is robust. Our troops are alert on the borders. Infiltration came down in 2014 as compared to 2013. We have had a lot of successes last year,” Rajendra said, adding “even during first two months of 2015, we have seen a good amount of successes so far. People are coming forward with actionable intelligence and as a result of this, there hasn’t been any collateral damage”.
The DGP was replying to questions regarding security situation in Jammu and Kashmir and cross-border infiltration during a function in which he announced launch of All India Police Martyrs Memorial Hockey Tournament.
On security situation, the DGP said: “there is peace and everybody wants peace not violence”.
Asked on the issue of J&K youths being lured to join militant groups by cross-border elements, he said, “We are identifying all that causes which lead our youth to take the wrong path and we will ensure that they get blocked. Those found involved would be punished severely”.
Rajendra said the infiltration from both LoC and IB has been contained significantly due to effective working of counter-infiltration grid comprising Army, BSF, other security agencies and Jammu and Kashmir Police.
Replying to a question regarding the growing drug menace in Jammu and Kashmir and efforts by the State police to deal with the problem, the DGP said, “It is matter of concern for the entire Jammu and Kashmir… It is worrying us”.
“We have seized a lot of drugs being smuggled into this side from Salamabad area during checking of cross-border trucks (involved in cross-LoC trade).
“We have shown them (PoK authorities) evidence…And they have shown seriousness. Big action was taken and the in-charge of that side has been arrested. We have identified people, involved and the process of arresting them is on,” he said, adding smuggling was also taking place via Rajouri and Poonch.
Kumar said, “We have gone deep into the links and the matter is under investigation. Earlier, we had arrested some inter-state drug peddlers from Himachal Pradesh. They are with us and investigations are going on”, he said.
DGP said all officers have been directed that the year 2015 is for waging a war against drug peddling and drugs.
“We will set up drug de-addiction centres. We have set up three centres in the Valley and we have one in Jammu. We will try to put an end to the menace,” he said.
On a question whether senior VHP leader Praveen Togadia will be arrested in connection with an alleged hate speech if he enters J&K, the DGP said, “Anybody violating law would be dealt with. Law will take its own course, but we will not stop anyone”.
Rajendra said Jammu and Kashmir Police will comply with the directions of the Chief Minister, who has sought release of all political prisoners who do not face any criminal charge.
“Yes, all the directions issued by the Government (on release of political prisoners from jails in the State) will be complied with. Let us be assured about it,” he said.
He was asked whether the process of release of political prisoners has begun at the level of the police.
“Any direction coming from the Government would be looked into and would be worked out,” the DGP said.
In a meeting with the police chief here on Wednesday, Sayeed had asked the police to initiate a process of releasing all political prisoners in the State against whom no criminal charges have been registered.
Asked whether police has formulated any plan for release of separatists including those who took part in stone pelting in 2008 and 2010, he said, “We will get back to you. We will come back with our views when we are ready with the blue print.”
“At the moment, we will not be able to say much on that. Let us work on that then we will get back to you,” he said.