Political appointments

This refers to the news itesm “Inquiry into political appointments” DE dated 5th Aug. The service rendered by Daily Excelsior to the society, by exposing some big  scams of the Government and the politicians is of immense importance, whereby the people come to know as to how their contributions made to the exchequer by way of taxes, duties, levies and other charges are being used by their netagan mahodey who tirelessly keep on telling the people about the importance of rule of law, accountability, transparency and samaj sudhar policies and programmes. The details given in the said editorial unequivocally prove that about forty thousand appointments have been made by some politicians and their  favourite Govt officers simply for their self needs for political interests, domestic services for obliging some of their friends, relations and party workers etc. This proves the old jurisprudence theory “Law governs the commoners and VIPs rule the law”. If an officer, in the normal course is found to have made even one appointment without observing the recruitment rules, he or she is punished despite the fact that the person appointed has to perform the public duties but burdening the exchequer of the monthly expanses of the army of about forty thousand people is much more than a vast social crime. Almost every day there are dharnas and strikes held by employees of one Govt department or the other for non payment of their  emoluments, increments, arrears & the  other  sums who are ordered to wait for years or to face lathies and teargas shells if they agitate but the same netagan mahodey are spending crores of rupees on the unlawfully appointed army of forty thousand favourites.
If at all  some enquiries are conducted for such illegal appointments by some state agency, the results are obvious and the Taxpayers, on whose contributions this army of about forty thousand favourites is being maintained will like the enquiries to be entrusted to the CBI or the all party forum of the State Legislature. An  Urdu poet has made his observations about today” leader of this sub continent in the words:-
Loot Leta Hai Woh Hi Raah Mein Mauqa Pa Kar
Baat Aksar Jo Kiya Karta Hai Rahber  Jaisee
Yours etc…..
S K Rekhi
825-A, Gandhi Nagar