Political inferno of JK

We, the people of Jammu and Kashmir, witnessed the transformation of erstwhile State of J&K into two Union Territories consigning the rich historical past of the princely state to archive. It apparently created a division of territory for better administration, close governance and visible state welfare. While presenting said bill in the parliament, Home Minister of India conveyed the intention of the union Government as it has been moved unilaterally without the consent of the people of Jammu and Kashmir who happened to be under President Rule since 19 Dec 2018. It is really pathetic to accept the fact that the people of Jammu and Kashmir unlike other citizens of India are alleged to have failed electing their leaders as per Constitution of India who could deliver good governance for development of the State and it therefore compelled Union Government to alter the status of the then state into UTs where as HDI (Human Development Index) published for 2018 speaks otherwise. The prevalent situation of Jammu and Kashmir post formation of UT keeps people disconnected from rest of the world due to snapped internet. A functional democracy demands close political engagement and interaction between local leaders and local masses so that a mutual trust is built between them that ultimately results in healthy political environment. This would enable voters to differentiate between seasonal and all weather politicians while exercising their mandate.
We the resident of JK have been suffering absence of close political connect since long. It is more so in the present context when senior leaders of local political parties remain house arrestedleaving junior cadre helpless and inactive. There is apparently no initiative from the present government set up of newly formed Union Territory so that governance is passed on to people rather than limiting it to LG and his team of advisors. This is a temporary arrangement that is not expected to be allowed as a substitute to elected government by the people. It therefore becomes expedient to undergo required process of holding delimitation of constituencies for conducting legislative elections to form popular government. It may rejuvenate political activities and compel local leaders to re-establish lost connect with the voters.
To contain ever increasing sociopolitical disconnect in the UT, it is felt expedient on the part of LG and his administration to reassure people at large that alternate method of governance in the absence of elected representatives of the people is short lived and is bound to lay healthy foundation for political activities to emerge out of prevailing stillness so that they would have adequate number of options to exercise their mandate in favor of most suitable political entity purely for the welfare of the people at large and moves towards release of political leaders from home arrest to allow even field to all political parties across the Union Territory leaving no chance for any political inferno to flourish. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.
WgCdr (Retd) Mahesh Chander Sudan
Sainik Colony, Jammu