Politicians should refrain from provocative statements: AIMCCC

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 1: All India Migrant Camp Coordination Committee (AIMCCC) in a meeting here, today held under the chairmanship of its president, Desh Rattan in which grave concern was expressed over the provocative statements and role of some national leaders over the prevailing situation in Kashmir.
The meeting said that it is unfortunate that the leaders of some political parties which were in power for decades together in some States or in the country are giving provocative statements to suit the separatists camp and harming the national interests. The meeting said that instead of cooperating with the Government in quelling the separatist movement in Kashmir and restoring peace in the trouble –torn Valley they are provocative the people with their statements.
The AIMCCC also held the leaders of these parties responsible for present situation in the country saying it was the result of their wrong policies pursued over the decades that separatists have raised their ugly head in Kashmir. Had they acted with decisiveness and not adopted the appeasement policies from time to time, the situation in Kashmir would have been better today. The meeting extended its full support to Modi Government and Governor’s administration in J&K for restoration of peace in the Valley.