Politicising Armed forces

Refer article ‘ Stop politicisng the Armed forces’ DE Oct 15.
It will be in the interest of the Nation if political parties stop policising the country’s Armed forces for their petty political interests. It is a matter of pride that the Institution of Army in India has remained apolitical. It has earned it admiration in the comity of Nations and allowed it to grow as a potent force to reckon with. If political parties use it for their political interests, it will lose its sheen and credibility. If India is evolving into a respectable democracy in the world, it is because Army has never come in it way. Rather it has strengthened its roots by allowing the political parties to function as per their wisdom.
If Pakistan today is a mess, its’ because army controls it, and it has never allowed political parties to function freely there.
The present Government too should not use them for political purposes as it will set a bad precedent.
Yours etc…
Surjit Singh
Nanak Nagar