Politicking on demonetisation

Shiban  Khaibri
At the time of writing of these lines, the proceedings in the Lok Sabha are sprinted with sloganeering and high pitched voices by members of a few combined opposition Parties led by Congress, telecast live , otherwise as usual, and thus made purposefully known to the countrymen perhaps to gain their support to repair the ground being progressively lost on account of the country seriously poised for a massive take off under the present dispensation. The Rajya Sabha too witnessed uproarious scenes and had to be adjourned intermittently. The question , obviously is not as to why the country is marching ahead , GDP is steadily increasing, wholesale and retail inflation is the year’s lowest, there is communal harmony and peace in the country comparatively better than  during the 10 years of UPA rule, internationally we are fast getting due recognition as an important country and almost all countries barring Pakistan want better and cooperative ties with India but worrying  for these select opposition Parties is as to why is it bettering under Modi. It became fairly evident after observing how the decision of demonetizing of Rs.1000 and Rs.500 was opposed, criticized, allegations leveled and fears floated mainly around “The poor are suffering”. Today, also in the Lok Sabha, the main slogan, among others was “Gareeb Mar Rahe Hain”. The etymology of “Gareeb” or the poor as projected and lavishly used politically by the political parties (when out of power) is peculiar depending upon varied issues with which it is sought to be associated.
There can be no doubt that  the government was expected to do much more than we saw in terms of recalibrating the network of  ATMs throughout the country and making available sufficient cash at Banks , especially in post offices  and Bank branches in the  rural areas to minimize the hardships to the common masses but it sounds ludicrous and untenable to hurtle  unwarranted criticism, heaps of sarcasm,  spreading apprehensions and hilarious fears about the very purpose  of the demonetization  especially when the prejudice and indignation against the monsters of black money and corruption prevailed over some inconvenience to the general public. We saw people not hiding the fact that they had to undergo the hardships due to non availability of or late arrival of the much needed five hundred Rupee notes or even reasonably sufficient cash or non functional of ATMs  or hardships to meet expenses  related to hospital expenses and marriage ceremonies but most of them braced and braved the hardships only and only for putting in the dock, the concerned tax thieves, money hoarders , corrupt officials, dishonest politicians, manipulating professionals and big businesspersons indulging in malpractices , those in the real estate who cheated  the aspirants to own a room or two of their own. The wholesale criticism from the Congress, Trinamool Congress, Aam Aadmi Party, Communists, BSP etc in a combined form appeared as if they were hit by the much awaited decision than by those who otherwise were the pointed targets of the Government. The bugle of “assault” was sounded by Mamta Banerjee in that she did not hesitate to invite communists to join in her “crusade” against Modi for the “draconian financial emergency”  and to join her march up to Rashtrapati Bhawan which they spurned and rejected as being in- fructuous though they upped the ante against the government as usual. The march to the President’s house led by Mamta was a contradiction in itself as the Congress did not join and thus not giving a feeling that though reduced to a bare 44 , they could not stomach Mamta leading them. AAP was represented by not its Chief but an MP. Ex Chief Minister of our state Omar Abdullah felt happy being led by Mamta by joining this march comprising 30 “protesters” in all, flanked by 150 newspersons and as many  Police personnel. The demand, the vague one, was the same  –“Roll Back” while even the Apex Court  has rejected to grant stay on the order.
There were longer queues of people outside the Banks and for longer durations as also we witnessed stoking of panic of “salt shortage” rumours which spread like wild fire so much so that emergency distribution centers were set up at many places to sell salt and we saw people scrambling to get the medically discouraged substance (if taken in more than required proportions) being taken home in 5, 10 kg. bags as if the white villain was spotted after years of wait. The counter rumours are making rounds that the crowded queues were “managed” by those about whom this combined opposition asks, ” Was any Dhanna Seth in the queue” and also both the salt shortage and the crowd in the queue by some disgruntled political elements . After applying indelible ink like used while casting vote, the crowds have thinned and have become manageable. Otherwise also, agreed that people were in crowds which these combined opposition parties made an issue of, we the Indians are habitual of queuing up for the last seven decades, be it ration line, telephone line, electric bills payment line and the like but under the pretext “Gareeb  Mar  Raha  Hai ” , not only is Gareebi insulted but exploited as well politically which must now see an end to it. The hyperbole of “the poor suffering” and creating panic in respect of the note ban among the citizens is reprehensible.
Stalling Parliament has now become a routine  while a disruption of mere 15 minutes costs the  Indian tax payers Rs. 40 lacs and one hour adjournment and suspending of Parliamentary proceedings  as much as Rs. 1.5 crore. None is taking a procession against this wanton misuse of our money. Is not the commoner, the “Gareeb” affected by this loss? Honest and sincere but bold politics is the strength of democracy and the vice versa its bane. It looks strange that the public is prepared to face the demonetisation but our Netas are not. Just from Nov9 to Nov 13, as many as 370 press briefings were given by this combined opposition against the move wherein Surjeewala of Congress calls the move as “Economic anarchy” and the PM as “Autocrat”.  Why this combined opposition not formed “Maha Gath Bandhan ” earlier to press for a ban on black money ?Are we not to change the mindset that black money plays an increasing  role in winning elections as it gives votes to most of the  Netas? Why should there not be state funding to fight election to circumvent the role of this black money? Should Mamta oppose the note ban and call for roll back as Malda in her state has been the main principal hub of collecting, distributing and trading in fake currency to the extent of 80% of the total fake currency. About it, in these very lines, this writer has given a detailed account (D.Ex. Nov 13). Why do not have we a united political will to fight the black money?
Is this hype and protest, criticism and campaign, creating panic and insecurity in minds, a compulsion or a necessity for the opposing Parties? Why every reformative bold step and the one loaded with prospects of economic development is opposed tooth and nail, putting at the altar the proverbial “Poor”? Are plans afoot to do a Land Acquisition Bill like treatment to note ban to facilitate generation of black money and lubricating Hawala routes? With the introduction of the GST with plans to levy no tax on food grains, only 5% tax on common consumption items, gold tax deferred and a modified tax rate structure coupled with a crash brake on black money, the economy is poised for a higher growth. Inflation will go further down, tax revenues shall go up , there will be more bank transactions, Banks can lend now freely as also interest rates shall go down resulting in affordable EMIs on Home Loans, why should then an unnecessary “Raita” be split by these select opposition Parties?